Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek "The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man, is eternal vigilance."
--John Philpot Curran
I think I may have told this story before, but, in honor of Independence Day, here is my favorite flag story:
Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, American flags, across the nation, were sold and sold out. They were everywhere, from houses to businesses to the antennae of cars. I received my first flag, at that time, from my best friend. I had no flag pole yet -- they were sold out too -- so I decided to hang the flag from the eaves of our front porch.

My oldest daughter, Jordan, was just barely four at that time, and I assumed -- and to be honest, I hoped -- that she was unaware of what was happening in the world. But, I thought hanging up the flag would provide me an opportunity to talk to Jordan, and to teach her about the nation she lived in, and the promises and ideals that the American flag stands for. Well, children are observant creatures, sometimes we teach them, more often, they teach us.
As we hung it up, I asked Jordan "Do you know why it's important that we fly the American flag?"
I expected her to answer "No," then I could go on with my lecture about honor and sacrifice and self evident truths. Instead, she said this, "If we take the flags down, the planes will crash again."

I guess it really is as simple as that.
Happy Independence Day!