I have a million things to do. So, I think I'll blog. I like to procrastinate.
When I get around to it.
Gather round the computer kids, it's time for another rousing rendition of everyone's favorite blogger event: The Next Ten Songs on my iPod!
I have downloaded (or is it uploaded?) my vast music library on to my iPod -- or as much of it as will fit. Okay, maybe vast is a little much, let's go with extensive and eclectic.
Note: this is not a top ten list -- it is a random sampling.
iPod is set to shuffle, and here we go:
1. If I had the things I wanted: Ryan Shupe and the Rubber Band

These guys are a local group here in Utah, though they have quite a following across the country. They are very musically interesting -- banjos, guitars, mandolins, fiddles, acoustic bass, drums and any other weird thing they come across. Their sound is unique -- they call it "Post Hee Haw Funkadelic Hip Hop New Grass." Incidentally, I used to live next to Jim Shupe, Ryan Shupe's cousin, he was the most amazing fiddle player I've ever seen. This song is from their live album. If you ever get a chance to see them live, do it -- it's a great show!
2. Matthew: John Denver

I listen to John Denver two times a year - the spring and the fall -- the rest of the time, I have no interest. I'm not sure why. His music reminds me of when I was a kid -- my parents played a lot of John Denver in the late 70's -- when I was very young. Everybody played a lot of John Denver in the 70's. It was listening to "Annie's Song," when I was a teenager, that led to my epiphany, wherein I realized that the actual words to songs could be very meaningful. This is a song based on the true story of his uncle -- who was actually named Dean. This is from the last live album that he did, before he died.
3. Star Trekkin': Dr. Demento

Actually, I'm not sure who does this song, but I got it from a Dr. Demento collection. I am not a trekkie, in any sense of the word -- though I am a big fan of William Shatner -- or at least his Priceline commercials. This song is hillarious. And very odd.
"There's Klingons on the starboard bow! Scrape 'em off Jim!"
4. Open Road: Bret Michaels

Yes, that Bret Michaels, the lead singer for Poison. He has a solo career -- who knew? Well, I didn't, until a couple of years ago, when he was a judge on "Nashville Star" (don't ask). So, you ask, what does it sound like? Pretty cool, actually. It's not the most intellectual stuff. He mostly sings about Rockin'! His voice is very distinct, but his solo stuff doesn't really sound like Poison (no C.C. DeVille on the guitar) it has more of a John Mellencamp sound. This is a great summer anthem type song, about kids who just want to rock! What else?
5. Life's what you make it: Hannah Montana

In the interest of full disclosure, I had to put this song on the list -- it was the next one that came up. Obviously, some of my 11 year old daughter's music has crept in to my extensive and eclectic music library. I had to go back and look this song up to find out what the title was. I swear I don't listen to this music! Okay, I swear I've almost never listened to this music. If I'm being totally honest, I have to admit, that whatever "it" is, Miley Cyrus seems to have "it." The girl certainly has a presence. Here's hoping fame doesn't destroy her life, like it has done to so many other young girls, thrust, suddenly, into the adult world.
6. I like him: The Man of La Mancha Soundtrack

I love the story of Don Quixote. There's something very touching about a man who sees people as they really are. And I'm a sucker for hopeless causes -- the idea of an impossible dream, something unattainable, yet worthy of the struggle, nevertheless.
7. Lift Me Up: Kate Voegele

I don't know anything about this song or the artist, except that it was on the official soundtrack for the 2008 United States Olympic Team. It's one of those over coming all obstacles kind of songs. It's not too bad -- it would be better, accompanied by pictures from the olympic games. Come to think of it, that gives me an idea...
8. Blowin' in the Wind: Joan Baez

I'm not even sure where I got this -- it must have come off of the "Forrest Gump" Soundtrack. Of course, this is one of those Bob Dylan songs, made famous by so many other people. Personally, I'll take Peter, Paul and Mary's version -- or even Bob Dylan, himself. And that's saying something -- normally, I subscribe to the idea that Bob Dylan is an amazing song writer, who should never be allowed near a microphone.
9. Little Bird: Peter Breinholt

Another local. Peter Breinholt is at the very top of my listening preferences -- any time, anywhere. His sound is very folksy, but very warm. He also puts on a great live show. This song is pretty lullaby about his youngest boy. It's just Peter (who has a very unique voice) and a very tinny sounding, acoustic piano. That would make sense if you listened to it. Go ahead. Go to itunes and sample it. I'll wait.
10. Linus and Lucy: George Winston

This is the great tune, composed by Vince Guaraldi, for the animated Peanuts television shows. It's the one we all know. Remember those Peanut's specials? That was the only time I ever remember seeing commercials for Dolly Madison snacks on TV. I still watch them when they come on -- I own the best ones on DVD. There are three characters I have always identified with: The Scarecrow, from the Wizard of Oz, Kermit the Frog, and Charlie Brown. That's a blog for another day. I was so excited when I finally figured out how to play this song on the piano - at least part of it. I hear this tune, in my head when I walk down the street. Or lean on a brick wall with my best friend. Or when I buy a crappy Christmas tree. Or when someone draws a Jack-O'-Lantern face on the back of my head.
So there you have it. What's on your iPod?