Thursday, December 25, 2008

Photostory Friday: The kind of dad I am

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

I don't know if this post says more about the kind of father I am, or the kind of son Matt is. 

Me: "Matt, go stick your tongue to a metal pole, so I can take a picture of it."

Matt: "Okay."

Actually, I dedicate this Photostory Friday to our favorite expatriate in England, J the Grockle, who, after I posted the Leg Lamp Story, practically TRIPLE DOG DARED me to take this picture. 

By the way, his tongue didn't actually stick. 
I tried it first -- I'm not THAT kind of dad. 

I hope everyone is having a Merry Christmas!!

I gotta get back to Guitar Hero!


Anonymous said...

*LOL* Love the pictures. You know I actually didn't watch Christmas Story today. I'm sure the marathon is still going on though.

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

Great fun! Matt did a great job at acting for the photo too. It really does look like his tongue is stuck!

Robyn said...

LOVE it. That is great.

Unknown said...

Hilarious! Just finished watching that movie while resting my hand from the guitar. ;)

Merry Christmas! Hope you're having a great one!

Anonymous said...

Heheheh... that's so funny and cute!

My PSF entry is posted here. Please hop on by if you have the time. Happy holidays!

TuTu's Bliss said...


Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

I am so glad his tongue didn't stick. My dad said that one time a kid at his school did it and it was just like A Christmas Story...they had to call the fire company and everything.

Great shots!

Alex @ I'm the Mom said...

OMG Chris that is hillarious.

Btw; had your Funeral Potatoes last night with Christmas Dinner. DELICIOUS!!!!!! Everyone loved them :D

Unknown said...

OMW that is hilarious!!

Wendelyn DeMoss said...

This was very fitting for your blog and so glad Matt could be a part of it. You are keeping "The Christmas Story" traditions alive and that makes it fun. Be ready for your grandchildren to present you with these pics years from now!! Thanks for the visit and I wish you many more abundant days in the coming year!

tiarastantrums said...

Happy Holidays - it doesn't look cold enough for his little tongue to stick! But great photos!

Honey Mommy said...

How funny! He is a good actor because it almost looks real!

Casey's trio said...

Who doesn't love pictures inspired by A Christmas Story?!?! Too funny! And it sounds like someone remembered the little boy in you with the Guitar hero gift!!

Anonymous said...

How very funny. So happy his tongue didn't stick.

Anonymous said...


At first,

I didn't know if I should laugh or shake my head...

and i'm not really a head shaker...............


((awesome pics as usual. Did you ever tell me what you shoot with?))

david mcmahon said...

Reminds me of that famous song:

Stuck On You!

latree said...

oh boy!

CC said...

When I saw the first picture my thought was "I sooooo hope that's a freezing cold metal pole!" and was quite excited when you said it was. But it didn't stick? What the...!?!

Cajoh said...

It may not have been cold enough outside. I actually had my keys stick to my lips as I was holding them Tuesday… ooops

imbeingheldhostage said...

That's it. You're officially my favourite, Sharon. Not only were you brave enough to experiment with your son, but you took gorgeous photos to prove it! Those need a frame.

Sorry I haven't come around, I have a sick little guy who is frightening us :-(

I hope you had a great Christmas.

kelli said...
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Kelli @ writing the waves said...

Geez! I was nervous there for a second. hahaha :) Hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas rocking out with Guitar hero! Happy New Year!