Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
I take a lot of pictures of people. If I had my choice, I would take all of my pictures from a hiding place.
It's not really that I'm shy, but I am fascinated by the human experience. The way we interact with one another. The things we do when we're alone.
The things we do, when we THINK we're alone.
Even portraits are better, when you can get the subject to drop their inhibitions (I know what you just thought, and no, I don't take those kind of pictures) and forget that there is a camera pointed at them.
The camera, in any form, changes reality. We become self conscious. If we're going to be immortalized -- and that's just a what a picture is -- we want to present our best side. Or, better than our best if possible.
I enjoy shooting pictures of all kinds -- portraits, landscapes, artsy stuff -- but I live for the moments.
The stories.

The unfiltered, uncontaminated, unaffected living of life.
that's a great way to live...
me too!
once the camera is seen, the moment is gone. if only we could live like there never was a camera.... but get those moments, capture the memories, live in the "now" a little more.
I am so grateful for digital to quickly see the simple pleasures of magic in action:)
I love snapping pictures of my kids when they aren't aware that we are watching them, they are so real and so not staged. Chris, your pictures are wo wonderful!
You couldn't have said it better. When I get the camera out..the best shots are the ones that I don't really mean to take.
And, sneaking up on the kiddos is even better.
Oh, these are wonderful...absolutely wonderful. I had a hard time choosing the one I liked best so I think I picked all. Great Friday story.
I think that is why I love your photography so much.
These shots are all simple and amazing!
Stunning photographs Chris! And such a lovely post :D
GREAT PSF... and I 100% agree with everything you said.
Splendid stuff. Absolutely splendid!
I couldn't agree more - unsuspecting shots are the best - they have a story.
Yeah you do. And lucky for us.
I love all of these! Those are the moments we can see more into someone's soul! I love that!
You are a great photographer and I love all your pictures...especially your header!
I love those kinds of photos and you have certainly caught some very good ones there!
Those are great shots--definitely my favorite kind of people pictures.
I love visiting your blog. It always makes me appreciate life a little more.
My uncle (now gone) LOVED taking photos of us just living. He never wanted a smile and say cheese photo. He wanted to catch us doing whatever we were doing in that moment. Some of the best pictures of me were taken by him. :)
Your pictures always leave me smiling. Your passion jumps off the computer screen. :)
You just described why I follow your blog
I agree, hiding would be cool!! You showcased some fabulous photos this week, as always. My favorite is of the to twirling! darling!
I wish I could have written this because it is exactly how I feel. This is how I deal with photographs and I believe I will adopt it as my philosophy for photography. Dang. I've got to add you to my reader so I can keep up on your awesome photos. And they are AWESOME. Sorry to gush, but they are.
Beautiful photos. I try to capture more moments than "cheeses" but I love a good smile too.
I agree with much of this...however there are a few exceptions. My child...she has had a camera in her face her whole life nearly everyday. She no longer sees it. It is an extention of her mommy.
I get what you are saying though. It is the capturing of the candid, that tells the story.
Smiling. and thanking you for reminding me what uncensored means. That moment when you dance, like no one is watching. Great shots! Truly 'speechless' candid photos of what "realty" life is all about!
Yes, you are so right, the uncensored shot, the frozen moment in time, the unposed...beautiful pictures, love 'em.
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