Okay, here it is:
This is the cop out post. The one and only, I promise. I have a cold (I know, poor baby), and I have a headache, and the NyQuil has made me dyslexic.
And none of these is a very good excuse.
I promise, I'll be back with something moderately interesting tomorrow.
Assuming I live.

Oh, here's a little something to consider: Have you ever noticed that the "O" and the "I" are right next to each other on the keyboard? This has almost become a problem for me, several times -- fortunately, I usually proofread what I write. You see, with things like Photostory Friday, I comment on a lot of photographs. I use some version of the phrase "nice shot" quite often.

The Problem? I hit the "I" instead of the "O" about every other time. I think I've caught them all. If not, I really didn't mean it.
Ctrl V. Heeheehee!
lol too funny.
I hope you feel better soon. We're sick over here too ... only a lot worse than a cold :-(
Whew, I was about to get really made at you for that comment you left! Haha ...kidding. Get well soon!
Sorry you are feeling bad but you are still funny...even on drugs!
Hehehehe. That's funny. ;)
Hope you feel better soon!
Oh I just though you were being terribly honest when you commented on my blog. (he he he) Get feeling better! What you need is a very good dose of diet coke. It never lets me down. (he he he) I know I know adverse effects. Get some rest
Oh that's great! I have made similar mistakes :-)
t I am missing one in the blog above so I thought I would add it now. Stupid me I never proof till after I publishes. (not suprised are you)
Ok, so a few more errors. I would be posting all night to keep correcting them. I'll try not to post too often to avoid costly, or timely mistakes. (smile)
Hey, I'm trying to run a g-rated blog so don't you be spreading your potty language over it (pun intended).
We just turned our 60-year old British friend onto Nyquil. I'm getting a little worried since she opted out of coming to church and has called to clarify how many times she can take a dose without o.d.'ing.
Be careful over there, hope your better soon!
you are getting desperate, and if i am reading correctly, you are barely past the halfway point. awesome photographs, though. my favorite is the rose...the lone survivor of your hatchet job.
my mind was totally blank last week. i had to steal some ideas from around blogtopia.
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