Let me set the scene.
Principal players:
Jordan -- Eleven year old daughter.
Sharon -- Exasperated mother.
Chris -- Dad, and innocent bystander.
As our scene opens, the family is preparing to go out for that most traditional of traditions -- buying the annual Christmas tree. In accordance, said family always orders Chinese food on the night that the Christmas tree is decorated, and therefore the family is trying to order the Chinese food, to be picked up, after the selection of the aforementioned tree. Chris is simply passing by the doorway. Jordan has had the menu for ten minutes, and cannot decide what she wants to order...
Sharon: Hurry up Jordan, we need to order the food!
Jordan: Just give me a sec.
Sharon: Jordan, you've had lots of secs!
(Sound of squealing brakes. Sound of crashing buildings. Sound of stunned silence).

Sharon: That didn't sound right.
(Sound of uncontrollable, hysterical laughter)
Chris and Sharon: (Unable to breathe)
Jordan: (Smiling, but not sure why)
Hallo Chris, thanks for visiting my blog. A poo walk, for your information is the walk one has to take with dog Milou, twice a day. He is as regular as clockwork and refuses to find a spot in the garden [I'm happy with that]. JP takes him every morning and I snooze. After lunch, he knows that when I have finished cup of tea and ciggie [now now, no moralizing, I am old and we all have to have a bit of pleasure in life and a ciggie is mine] He sits as good as gold until I drain the dregs and then goes berserk. He is quite clever and knows that the moment he has performed, we turn around and come home, so he holds on as long as he can. That is a poo walk. Since I began bloggin it is also now a 'take a photo' walk.
Love your blog.
That is priceless. Love the pictures you put with it, especially the monkey.
The story was funny when you told me, however the "sound effects" made it tons better!
oh my goodness that is priceless lol. Awesome story Chris!! Loved the "sound effects" as well ahaha.
Great sounds and images!! Hope she got the most perfect Chinese order and hope the tree is amazing! I pasted by a store window yesterday with the leg lamp in the window..thought of you. Hope your family is enjoying the preparation for the blessed season!
*LOL* Hilarious! And I love that she was smiling but not quite sure why. hahaha
I totally would have posted this conversation too!
ROFL!!! Oh I think the image you chose suits the moment perfectly :)
Teehee...too funny!
I had to read it twice, duh! That wasa really funny, thanks for sharing...
(did she ever realize what was aid?)
Ok, seriously! I had to read that twice before I got it!
Then I just about busted a gut! Thanks for the laugh!
LOLOLOL...Too hilarious
The other day a co-worker was talking about wild monkeys. She was talking about how much it would cost to insure one if you had it as a pet. Another co-worker says "I can't imagine how expensive it must be to insure your monkey."
Don't know why but we all laughed.
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