Thursday, January 8, 2009

Photostory Friday: What the...?

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

WARNING!! This post contains a rated PG word!

It's January. It's cold outside. The snow is grey. I just washed my brand new, leather wallet. I have to register my Bronco, and the windshield is cracked and the check engine light is on.

It's times like these when I reflect on happier circumstances. Last year, one of the happiest times for us was our trip to Disneyland. At Disneyland, our kids engaged in one of the great California sports: Autograph collecting. It took a little coaxing for Emma (to you and I, Mickey Mouse is a beloved character -- to a not-quite-five-year-old, he's a six foot rat), but eventually she came around, and participated fully in the sport. 

There was Mickey Mouse, Minnie, Pluto, Goofy, Jack Sparrow, Winnie the Pooh, and of course all of the Princesses. At one point we came upon a flock of children (or is that a gaggle?) surrounding Alice (of Wonderland fame). She was singing and dancing and signing autograph books, for the adoring masses, when suddenly, who should burst upon the scene? The Queen of Hearts! 

The kids scattered like someone had dropped a grenade -- they were diving through windows, climbing up the front of their parents, running like mad for Fantasyland.  

Except Matthew. 

My son stepped forward, took the Queen by the hand and kissed it -- thereby winning her approval AND her autograph -- the only one in that crowd to do so. 

But that's not why I love this picture. I love this shot because it (inadvertently) caught the expression on Emma's face. This was the same look on the face of every kid in that crowd (except Matt), and describes perfectly what each one was thinking:







Alex @ I'm the Mom said...

lmao that is AWESOME!!!

Mom24 said...

That's such a great picture. I always sort of regretted turning my kids on to the autograph hunt--we spent way too much time trying to track them down when we were in Disney.

Hope your luck improves soon.

tammi said...

Is that a UNI-BROW??!! On the QUEEN??!!!! Dang, no wonder kids were screaming. Eeeesh.

Great picture, though!

Michaelle said...

That is so funny!

Danyele Easterhaus said...


Lorina said...

Haha.. that's perfect! And a little frightening..

Pam Emmons said...

Aahh, Emma. That girl keeps me laughing. And could you expect anything less from the Charmer?

Steph said...

What a brave little man you have! And a gentleman too,

Laura said...

SO TRUE! We were there this past summer too and I remember thinking- "WOW- that is one ugly queen!!"

Angela said...

Wow, my kids stayed clear of anything with an oversized head at Disney. That's even frightening for adults!

Michelle said...

Ha! I have a picture of the girls with the scary Queen of hearts. She didn't not make it into the scrapbook.

tiarastantrums said...

very cute story!! Disney and those dang characters - freaked my kids out for years!

Elle said...

oh you are too funny
great post

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

hahaha, that is great!

Maggie May said...

Great picture!

Corey~living and loving said...

Priceless photo...and a wonderfully told story.
I hope your weekend brings you joy!
Happy PSF!

david mcmahon said...

That is such an expressive picture. You described the moment and captured it perfectly!!

Glad you liked my ``crucifix'' shot.

Life is slowly returning to normal after our trip to the west coast!!

Cathy said...

LOL! I was thinking the same thing when I looked at the picture! That would scare any kid...or adult!

Susie said...

WOW! LOL!!!!! That was awesome-the look on her face is priceless and kudos to Matthew for getting the signature!

Great PSF--even better because we too have the winter blues around here.

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

AWESOME! Such a sweet and respectful little guy you have raised. Women are going to love him!

CC said...

Bwhahahahaha! At least it was just a PG word. ;)

And BTW, I took a pic yesterday AND today to consider for a 365 (minus a few) project. ;)

Mandy said...

This entire post had me laughing. From the PG word to her face, too funny.

Cajoh said...

Actually, to me it looks like she's saying "how did he get so lucky".

Great story!

imbeingheldhostage said...

She is frightening! They're all frightening with their over-sized heads, but she takes the cake--omgosh that was funny!
Thanks for the heads up on the pg word, I covered my eyes while reading :-)

KatieZ said...

That was hilarious! You already know that I love you stories and all your pics! But this was by far one of my favs! Great Post!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

THAT IS SO HILARIOUS! I love that expression being sported - perfection.

P.S. If 'hell' is PG, I'm in trouble. :)

Kellan said...

That is so funny!! What a cute picture and fun times!

Have a great weekend, Chris - see you soon - Kellan

Robyn said...

ha, I probably would have had the same face.

Kacey said...

That is fabulous. I would have been with Emma on this one. lol

Kudos to Matt though for working the Queen. Woohoo!

Supercool Hotmama said...

ROFLOL!!! Bummer about that new Christmas wallet. Maybe you'll get a replacement for Father's Day along with your new tie and belt. (Oh wait, that's my husband. Every year. LOL!)

TuTu's Bliss said...

I love it. Sending you some Aloha and sunny Hawaii thoughts

Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

Too freakin funny!!!!

I love when you capture those moments!

Anonymous said...

That is so stinking funny. Way to go Matthew!!

Joyce said...

Thanks, Chris, for stopping by my Photostory Friday.

Your brave son has a good sense of humor. :) What a great shot!

Anonymous said...

I love when I find an unexpected surprise like that in a picture. And that warm sun looks wonderful right about now!

tommie said...

That is hilarious! He looks so proud to get it.

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

What a great story! Love the expressions on both of your kids faces. :)

Susan said...

So funny! I think my Austin would be like your Matthew.
That is one freaky looking Disney character.

latree said...

haha... your little man is sooooo brave. the queen looked pretty scary for kids..

Unknown said...

What a great way to win an autograph! Such a polite boy. :)

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

That is hilarious!
Only one or two more foto fridays about our cruise and then I'll show you all the nasty winter weather we've been enjoying round here.....must relive the warmth, to keep sane! :)

Karin said...

LOL, that is fantastic! What a great capture!!

Mom said...

Sounds like you have yourself a charmer!
Great shot - that expression is, to be completely unoriginal, priceless.

Oh, I also have to mention that I noted from your profile that you are a kindered spirit...I, too, love Big Trouble in Little China. I am unable to change the channel whenever it is on...Ferris Bueller & Oceans 11 do the same thing to me. lol

Maude Lynn said...

That is so funny!

The Harris Family said...

You captured the moment! Thanks for viewing my 1st PSF...I hope to play again next week

Jenners said...

So funny! My son is terrified of all these type of large dress-up people and I cant' really blame him because I am too (for different reasons) though. I just imagine some awful sweaty man in there with no clothes on and it creeps me out.

Cecilia said...

lol....funny story! Love the picture!

Kmommy said...

That is a priceless expression :)

Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out said...

Hahahahahaha.........LOVE it!!!

Holly said...

Heh heh! There probably aren't too many kids who have the Queen of Hearts in their autograph book. Of course, you can see why -- but that makes it all the more rare and special. :)