Thursday, February 19, 2009

Photostory Friday: Sunrise (and an update)

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Killing two birds with one stone here:

I was tagged with a photo meme by Terri -- the retiree who sees the world in her own way, (does anyone know what meme means?). It is the infamous fifth photo from the fifth file (that's pretty good alliteration). So I decided to use the results as my Photostory this week, as I haven't had much time to think of anything else.

Here goes:

Sunrise. Mesa Arch. Canyonlands National Park.
The air is thin and crisp.

The dawn blazes across the eastern sky. 

Valleys of shadow are illuminated.

Stones are on fire. 

And suddenly, you just know, that this is the time. 

You have been granted a few moments in which to take beautiful pictures. 

A quick update on my wife:

Sharon had surgery today, and the tumor in her stomach was removed. In order to do so, they had to do a gastric bypass, and remove about 1/3 of her stomach. 

She's in a lot of pain right now, and probably will be for a couple of days, and will likely remain at the Huntsman Cancer Institute for about four days. 

Thank God for the Hunstman Cancer Institute.

The surgeon believes he got everything, and saw no sign of spreading. She should make a full recovery. 

I want to again thank each and everyone of you who have asked, and thought and prayed for my wife and our little family. You have made such a difference and been such a blessing in our lives. 

I thank you with all of my heart. 


Mom24 said...

Beautiful picture. More importantly, beautiful update. I hope they're able to keep the pain managed and that she continues to do well.

Honey Mommy said...

What a beautiful picture!

I am so glad that Sharon is doing ok after surgery. How wonderful that that cancer doesn't appear to have spread! Hope all continues to go well.

Steph said...

Beautiful picture, as always.
I'm so glad your wife is doing better, and there is some relief in sight. I will continue to keep you and your sweet family in my prayers. :)

Anonymous said...

An amazingly beautiful picture! Thank you for the words to paint the picture before even looking at it.

I am so glad your wife is doing better and hope that she continues to heal well and will keep your family in my prayers!

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

What a great update! Wonderful news! So glad that they think they got it all...

Beautiful picture. :)

Lindsay said...

Yay for a great post-surgery report!!

Awesome pictures.

Bren said...

Amazing photo! It looks so serene!

So glad to hear such good news about your wife. She'll be in my prayers...

Pam Emmons said...

Awesome picture, although I have seen this one one before. I still love it.
And I am so glad to hear how things turned out. I wish I were there to hang out with her in the hospital. Can't wait to be there next month.

Diane said...

that photo is amazing! i want to be there soooooo badly!

my thoughts are with you and your family. keep on truckin'!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad your wife is OK, and I hope she feels better very soon. I think that you must see the world as beautiful to take such awesome photos!! We are praying for your family over here in the freezing Midwest..

Angela said...

Beautiful shot! Hope your wife has a speedy recovery. You guys need to experience many more sunrises and sunsets together.

CC said...

Continued hugs and prayers for your wife. But great news!

And the pic.... amazing!

scrappysue said...

so glad your wife is doing well. our thoughts and wishes go out to her and your family.

beautiful photo too btw..

Kacey said...

What an amazing update. I am SO SO SO HAPPY for you and your wonderful family. I am praying for you all and wishing your wife a swift recovery.

Straight to Your Hart said...

Such a beautiful picture...flows perfectly with the progress of your sweetheart!

I hope she will heal quickly and comfortably. She is in great medical hands. How blessed we are for living during a medical time where "hope" can be tangible.

Hugs and prayers...

Debbie in CA : ) said...

You have captured a splendid moment with your camera. What a gift . . . thanks for sharing.

I shall add your wife to my prayers (and the rest of you, too) and fill them with joy and thanksgiving for her successful surgery and coverage for the recovery. Praise God! : D

Anonymous said...

That is an amazing photo!
Thanks for your comment on my blog. Glad to hear your wife is doing well and I agree with you on Huntmans cancer Institute -- amazing place.

Casey's trio said...

I will keep your wife and family in my prayers and hope for a speedy recovery.

Corey~living and loving said...

I am so pleased to hear that they have feel that they got it all. That is wonderful news. I hope recover goes well, and she will soon be feeling better.

Cecily R said...

I am so GLAD for the good news! Thanks for the update and I do hope she recovers quickly.

And you do realize that my house is on the WAY to HCI, right? Art day anyone?

Oh, and as always, FAB shot!!

Maggie May said...

Beautiful picture and I really hope that everything will go well for your wife and glad to hear that she has had the surgery and can now look forward to compete recovery. Hoping that she will continue to do well.

Terri said...

Wonderful photo Chris. And thanks for the update, I think about Sharon a lot. I'm a cancer survivor, so I know what a roller coaster ride this has been for you all. You're doing all the right things.

I do hope they can manage her pain; it's essential to healing.

Be well. Thanks for playing along with the meme.

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

Gorgeous photo and FABULOUS news about your Sharon. Y'all have been through the ringer...try to get some rest this weekend!

Alex @ I'm the Mom said...

Oh thank the Lord above. I am so happy that the surgery went so well and that your beautiful wife should make a full recovery. I'm so happy that Im actually crying here lol. My kids think I'm nutso.

Beautiful picture! I love the way the sun plays off the rocks and the ground. It's all so stunning.

Emily said...

Beautiful picture. Praying for your wife...

Indrani said...

I am extremely happy to know your wife is doing well. I hope and pray she recovers fast. The picture represents a bright ray of hope.

echoeve said...

I love the picture of the sunset.

I am so glad to hear that the surgery went well, and that she will be fine.

Gastric bypass is hard. I had the lapband surgery done and looked at gastric bypass. Although it will be life changing and it will be tough, she is still here for you and your family. That is a true blessing.

Mom said...

Gorgeous photo, as always!

I'm so glad the surgery went well & hope that her recovery goes as smoothly as possible.

Cathy said...

What a great picture! Mine would have been some out of focus drivel.

I'm happy your wife is doing well. I pray that her pain will subside soon.

Cathy said...

What a great picture! Mine would have been some out of focus drivel.

I'm happy your wife is doing well. I pray that her pain will subside soon.

Anonymous said...

I knew it! I knew she'd be fine! Surgery sucks, but once its over she'll be 100%. Woo Hoo!!

Can you tell I'm ecstatic?

God Bless

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

Amazing photo! I love how the sun's burst of color is just peeking through the top. Breathtaking.

So glad to hear the Mrs. is doing well! I wish you and the family all the best in her recovery! Tell her we are thinking of her.

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

Both the picture and you and your wife leave me in awe. I am amazed at all you are facing, and I am so thankful that things are looking up. I hope your wife has a swift recovery!!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

What a beautiful picture.

And, I'm so glad to hear the good prognosis. I hope the recovery is speedier than anticipated.

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Glad to hear that things are looking up for your wife.
Beautiful picture.

tiarastantrums said...

beautiful words and photo -

Prayers and Blessings to your family right now!

Michelle said...

Chris...I'm so glad to hear that Sharon's surgery went well. I know this has to be a hard time for your family. here are some big HUGS for everyone.

Spread around as needed.

Beautiful shot.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. I just went back and read about your wife. Prayers to your wife, you, and your whole family. I hope the recovery process is quick for her.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Thanks for the update Chris. Prayers, peace and strength are always on their way from our family to yours.

And that sunflare? Spec.tac.u.lar.

Karin said...

That is a beautiful picture, taken at the best time of the day. My heart goes out to you and your family - best wishes to your wife, I pray that she will make a speedy recovery.

Holly said...

Oh, I hope, I pray all the cancer will be gone. I hope your wife has an easy recovery.

Your photo is beautiful, as usual.

Danyele Easterhaus said...

it's my first time here...came from PSF. ok, now i will add your wife and fam to my prayers. so glad her surgery went well. praying for reduction of pain and healing of all that is in her.

sunshinesls said...

Thanks for the update! I'm so glad she is doing ok!

Susan said...

SO happy to hear that Sharon's surgery went well. I will be praying for her quick recovery, complete healing and pain relief.

That picture is beautiful as were your words.

Gina said...

It's so wonderful to hear news, Chris, that your wife is making a recovery. I hope her pain lessons very quickly and your family can put this behind you right away. I'm continuing to pray for strength and healing.
God bless.

Cupcake Dessert said...

that pic is just beautiful!!

I am so glad to hear that your wife is doing well. I hope that they can keep the pain a minimum for her and will pray for that. It's just great that they don't think it spread!!! I will continue to keep ya'll in my prayers!!

imbeingheldhostage said...

GREAT NEWS!! great great news. now go clean ;-)

tommie said...

That is a beautiful shot. I love the tiniest bit of pink in the sunbust.

Even better, I do hope your wife continues to heal.

Kelli @ writing the waves said...

Wow....such good news. I hope your wife starts feeling better soon. Thanks for keeping us updated. Your family has been in my thoughts.

Beautiful picture too!

Anonymous said...


Momisodes said...

What a gorgeous photo. Your words depicted exactly how I feel whenever I catch a beautiful sunset or sunrise :)

Thank you for posting an update on your wife. I wish her a speedy recovery and continues to do well.

Carebear said...

Glad to hear your wife is okay after surgery and expected to recover fully. I apologize that I did not know before she was ill or having an operation. I will pray for her to get well soon!