Thursday, April 23, 2009

Photostory Friday: Beauty

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

I was once told, by a kind old gentleman, that I have a gift for seeing beauty. 

I'm not conjuring up a romantic image here, this really happened.


And he didn't say it was a talent, he didn't say it was a skill -- he said gift. And he implied that with this gift, came the obligation to share the beauty that I see. And I know he was talking about real beauty. The kind that isn't skin deep. The kind of beauty that is radiant. The beauty of God's creations -- all kinds. 

That was nearly eighteen years ago, but I've thought about it ever since. From that day forward, I've been more conscious of my surroundings. I found that beauty -- real beauty -- is everywhere. If you have, as they say, eyes to see it. And ears to hear it. And a heart to understand it.


Don't misunderstand me, I'm not claiming some great insight into the human condition here. But I have found that when you look closer, when you wait patiently, and when you learn to expect it, beauty presents itself -- even in the most unusual places. Those are my favorite -- the ones you have to work for.

I'm not sure how best to share beauty. I suppose that's why my hobbies have gravitated toward things like writing and photography. If this is truly a gift, I am grateful for it. 

Life is hard enough without seeing the world around you as an ugly place. 

True beauty is a blessing and a gift. 

At least to me it is. 


Anonymous said...

*Gives Standing Ovation*
I SO agree with the old gentleman.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

That man was right! A true gift!

I love the one of the tree.

Emily said...

Not only do you have a gift, but you obviously use it well. Great pictures.

Mom24 said...

You do have a gift, and I'm glad you share it, but what a wonderful gift he gave to you to recognize it and let you know he recognized it.

Shellie said...

I agree, it is a gift, and one to be shared and you're doing it well.

Mom said...

"Gift" is indeed the word.
It is always easy to see the beauty in your photos. Not just of the subject, but the care you put into them shows as well.

Pam Emmons said...

I have always thought you had that gift. It was apparent from the firs time I saw one of your pictures.
I'm glad you are finally realizing it.

BTW... I am loving the flower pic.

Steph said...

You DO have a gift! It is one reason among many that I return to your blog time and time again...why you visit mine....another question all together. :)

Beautiful as usual, and I love how you capture it!

sunshinesls said...

Amazing!! Thank you very much for sharing your gift with us!

Lindsay said...

Well, that man was right - and even more impressive is that you remember that one seemingly tiny compliment "years" ago from a stranger....just shows you how important it is to speak kind words to everyone - you never know what they will hang on to and use for the better.

Awesome pics.

tommie said...

You do have a gift for seeing the beauty in things.

Those arches near the end are gorgeous!

Straight to Your Hart said...

A gift that a blessing indeed..Thank you for giving us some of YOUR beauty!

tiarastantrums said...

yes, a gift indeed!

Kat said...

I completely agree. It is a gift. :)

Carebear said...

The kind old gentleman was also wise - you certainly do have an eye for beauty, and I am so grateful you share it with us. Amazing photos. Where are you selling them so we can buy them?!

Maggie May said...

God's Beautiful Creation definitely came out in this post and so did your talent for taking those photos and I just love them.
The tree was brilliant & so was the rainbow, as were the others too........ but we have to have favourites!

Wayne said...

you really do have a eye for beauty

great photo friday

Cathy said...

Seeing the beauty in ordinary things, is truly a gift. I think my favorite photo was the leaf. Well done!

annies home said...

lovely it must be wonderful to see a world through your eyes

The Bryant Family said...

So beautiful and a wonderful way to start my morning. Of course, the tree photo is my favorite!

Entomis: Really yummy donuts covered in chocolate. No sprinkles!

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

Sorry, that Bryant Family is me. I forgot to sign out after a medical update. lol!

kayerj said...

me too-thanks for reminding me to look for the pleasant in the mundane today :)

Alex the Girl said...

My daughter told me the other day that she doesn't go to the picture, the picture comes to her. I think she shares your gift, and I hope one day she can share it they way you do.


Cafe Mommy - said...

Indeed...indeed you have a see the world thru your lens and capture it is much a beauty. The duck's reflection in water on the lake got me. All great 'beauty' shots! Thanks for sharing.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

For a change, I agree with the old man. HE WAS SPOT ON! A lens and your eye is a beautiful thing Chris.

Robyn said...

Yes, you seriously have a gift!

JM said...

That was a beautiful post accented by your amazing photographs!

Thank you for visiting my blog today... have a blessed weekend.


Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

I would have to agree with the old gentleman.... you do have an eye for beauty. Always love to see what you've captured.

Anonymous said...

You truly have the gift! And THANKS for sharing it with the rest of us! :)

Michelle said...

And I am glad you share your gift with us.

Anonymous said...

Great post- thank you. Beauty and something to ponder - my favs! Isn't it remarkable these gifts we are just freely given? We don't earn them, we just receive them. I think the only thing we're asked is to do is share them. Thanks for sharing!

Gina said...

He was absolutely right. Your captures are incredible and inspiring. I recently have had a renewed sense of awe of God's amazing design that I have to say is due in part to the series "Planet Earth". I've seen things very differently and am so excited that we get to spend eternity exploring His vast indescribable creation. Thank you for helping to so beautifully share with others.

Heather said...

Such a beautiful post! I'm so glad you share your gift/ :-)

Alex @ I'm the Mom said...

Stunning photographs Chris. I absolutely adore them and your post. You go have a very wonderful gift and I am so glad and grateful that you share it.

Momisodes said...

You surely have a gift. And I thank you for sharing it with us here.

Pete said...

Will you be my beauty hero?

Honey Mommy said...

Absolutely stunning photos! I think that seeing beauty in the world around us just makes life better.