Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
It's been a year -- a year and a week, actually. It was Friday, June 6, 2008 when the first Photostory Friday was posted (well, to be honest, even then most of us were posting on Thursday evenings). I had gotten an email from my sister-in-law, Pam, about this photo/blog event coming up, co-hosted by her friend, Cecily.
"This might be fun," she said.
A year later, and I've only missed one week (blasted Disneyland vacation!). Photostory Friday has become part of my weekly routine, and I wanted to take the chance here to express my gratitude to our hosts -- Mamageek and Cecily, for this weekly event. I don't know why you began Photostory Friday, I suppose it probably wasn't with the intention of changing the world, but I want you to know that it has changed my little corner of the globe.

I've been able to take another look at some of my old photos, and remember why I love them .
I think more about the pictures that I take. I see stories, where I once saw only images.
I'm less inclined to throw out any image without taking a second look at it. Often I find something that speaks to me, just below the surface. It was just waiting for me to listen.
I look closer at the world around me. There is beauty in the most unexpected places.
Many of my posts have been about my kids. I think more broadly and deeply about my relationship with them. That is a real blessing.
I've also met some wonderful people in the past year, through Photostory Friday. So many of you have left so many kind and thoughtful comments here. And beyond that, when my world came crashing down in January, when my wife was diagnosed with cancer, you, my friends, were so supportive. That meant the world to me. I'm so grateful to know each of you (you know, in that anonymous blogging kind of way :p -- Cecily, Pam is coming to town in July for a month or so -- maybe it's finally time to get those kids together!)
So, to you Mamageek, and to you Cecily, and to all the rest of you, I say thank you.
You're Welcome, and thanks to you too. You are a fabulous photographer with some fascinating words. A great combo!
I love all your're a fabulous photographer and always have a good story. Great pictures and definitely cute kids!
Wow! A year. I definitely haven't been doing it that long.
Your pictures and stories always get to me (in a good way, of course) and make me take another look at things in my life...and finding the joy.
Photo Story fridays are so wonderful and really do make a person look differently at the world they reside in! Your stories and pictures are great, and well, I must say before I forget...I LOVE your header photo!
Awww-that was very sweet.I found your blog awhile ago and though Im absent for awhile I always come back or read from afar.
Thank you for your kind words.
Wow, it's been a year! Ya know, I love posting my PSF, but I am always more anxious to see what you have posted. I was just commenting to Pete the other day on how awesome your pictures are getting, not that they weren't before. I can just tell that they are changing, and I love it!
Wonderful post ~ and you're so right about examining the world differently when thinking about WHY each image is important.
Your dandelion kicks my dandelion's butt.
AWESOME, GORGEOUS photos, like always.
A year! WOW! I missed a few when I was gone on vacation, but I too have really enjoyed "meeting" all of the great bloggers who play along!
Love your photos always.
Serious? A year? Huh. I didn't notice and that's weird for me. I usually keep track of that kind of stuff. My brain really IS waterlogged.
All of that said, THANK YOU for participating in PSF. And for your great photography that makes me want to learn more and get better.
AND for becoming one of my favorite online buddies.
Wow! Happy PSF Anniversary! It's amazing how this blogging thing changes your perspective or viewpoint on things...makes you take a second look or ALWAYS bring your camera. I can't wait to read your PSF posts and your words are always as fantastic as your photos.
i always wondered how or if you were related to pam - i remember being very confused when i started PSFing!!!
you inspired me to check my posts - today's is my 37th - i started back in april last year - who knows how i found them, but i'm glad i did!
I always finish your posts so captivated by your thoughts and wanting to read more. Thank you for your inspirational words and pictures. So, you are welcome, but more important...Thank you Chris!
hooray for Mama Geek and Cecily. I've only been part of the party for a few months, but I also look at the world differently. I hope another year is ahead of us although I know having twins might change things for mama Geek.
I've enjoyed all the bloggy friends that tell stories on friday as well
Your photos are brilliant and it was lovely to look at all your favourites, many of which I had missed.
I also say...... thanks to Cecily and MamaGeek for introducing me to a weekly event that I look forward to.It has helped me to get into contact with a completely new circle!
Long may it continue.
Really, really nice post. It does make you look at things differently, doesn't it? For me, that's a good thing.
yes I recognize the photos. you always do great pictures, and beautiful narration to them.
missed only one week? wow, you are such a loyal one :D
Oh I've missed many many weeks. Way to go on your commitment. I will say I always look forward to your PSFs. Always great words to go with your gorgeous photographs.
I know I have enjoyed your Photostories every week. I also enjoy everyone's different takes on the story part.
Oh, what a great idea to do a PSF about PSF! Wish I had thought of it. What a swell guy you are.
Did I just say swell? Do people say that anymore?
I remember some of those photos. I was just telling my husband the story of the popcorn planting last week.
lovely post Chris - I miss PSF - but my brain fizzled out and I lost my mojo - maybe by summer's end I will be back!
It's been a year? Ha, who knew (not one who SHOULD know). I salute you Mr. Talent. Your posts and photos are always a notch above. And I mean that.
I'm so glad you are sharing your pictures this way. You definitely have an eye for the perfect shot and a way of drawing us all to the stories that go with them.
Have a great weekend!
I haven't been doing this for NEARLY that long, but I am glad that through it I have been able to see so many things through the eyes of others and Thank YOU for the wonderful pictures and do a GREAT job!
Wonderful stories. Wonderful pictures. There is love in every one of them. Keep seeking the awesome in the ordinary.
Hurray for them. And for you!
I love your photos! Thanks for participating in PSF and for visiting me once in a while. I love your blog.
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