Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
We get season passes, each year, to Lagoon -- an amusement park, a few miles from our home. We usually go over for a couple of hours on Monday nights, in the Summer. This past Monday evening, my two older kids and I were in the line for the Sky Ride -- a ski-lift type ride, that transports you from one end of the park to the other. And that's where we pick up our story:
The gondolas only carry two people, and as we approached the head of the line, my kids began to argue over who got to sit with me.
Let me rephrase that.
They began arguing over who HAD to sit with me.
(They did this right in front of me, as though I wasn't there at all).
Matt likes to ride alone, for the "adventure" of it, but Jordan rarely takes a stand on anything. And while she didn't come right out and say how her life would be "like ruined!" if she sat with me, it was obvious that she REALLY wanted to ride alone.

So, I let her go.
As Matthew and I rose in to air, in the car behind Jordan, everything came into focus. You see, the Sky Ride goes both ways across the park.
And, boys ride it too.
In the course of the five minute ride, no fewer than four boys had something to say to my daughter (one said that the imaginary friend, sitting next to him, thought she was hot).
So my ego was somewhat soothed, but not completely.
I got even, by informing the randy, little cretins that I was her father (Matt thought we should make violent gestures too, but I thought that might get me arrested). They went from salivating wolves to sheepish puppies, pretty fast.
That was fun.
I suppose I cramped Jordan's style, but even though she looks sixteen, she's still only ELEVEN!
I guess it's time to invest in that shotgun.
Holy CRAP. Chris, you can NOT be old enough to have kids that make goo goo eyes on the Sky Ride. I'm just a few years behind you after all and I SWEAR it was only minutes ago that I was making those eyes on that ride. Sigh.
Like I said, crap.
Wow! Ever heard the song "Just cleaning my gun"? Might be time. :-)
ooowww,I know I am so not ready for the goo goo eye stage! But that shot is awesome.
Hahaha! That is awesome! I'm sure your daughter really appreciated you speaking up for her. ;) hehehe
My hubby is already having nightmares about our unborn daughter's future suitors (geesh! That just made me sound old. Should I call them boyfriends?) Luckily (for us, not her) she will have three older brothers to accompany her on any and all dates. ;)
Man I dread that day for both those reasons!!!
OK, so I TOTALLY see how boys making googley eyes over your daughter TOTALLY warrants you and bro putting the guys in their place. But you have to admit the guy with the "imaginary friend" was pretty funny. LOL
And don't worry, you'll be cool again. Any time they REALLY need you.
I haven't been to lagoon since I was a kid! Yeah, now I'll never take my kids down there knowing that they'll just want to ride the sky ride to make googly eyes at the opposite sex. Oi!
Have a shovel?...tehe..I would have asked her, well more or less cat called back. "It's okay honey, just take deep breaths, we're almost done. Just remember when you get off I promised you a treat and a ride on the ladybug!" I just told my daughter that is what I'd do...she just gave me that rolled eyes look and said that I had better not do that to her EVER. Oh, little does she know..I am getting ready to have fun;0)
Got to get my breathing back to normal. Anxiety...will get under control right???
Very sweet picture...
It seems like young ladies grow up too fast! I had similar problems with my daughter. MEN would eye her! I would have to say, "She's 13!" as I walked by them and they quickly averted their eyes!
I had some young men ask if my TEN year old daughter was 14 the other day! Ahhhhhh! I'm with ya here!
I'm quite jealous that you just get to go to Lagoon whenever you want...I was always jealous of those who lived in Farmington. We always have to make a huge all day production of it and it's exausting! But worth it. Once a year.
they grow up much too fast. It is defiantly time for the shotgun. We're getting it ready for my 9 year old already.
oh my.....I am soooooooooooooo not ready for stuff like that. eeekkkkk....
That is difficult, isn't it? Seeing your kids get to that stage far too soon.
I love the photo you took of her on the ride. Really great.
Yes, Jordan looks older than she is. I know a few guys who sell guns (I am in TN, after all). I'll hook ya up.
Oh, definitely a shot gun! Yikes! I cannot wait for that to happen. Really, ever!
At least it wasn't because you aren't cool, it's just that those icky googly eyed boys are cooler?
I wouldn't want to be either of you for the next, oh 12 years or so.
I think that's why they built that ride, to get on overview of what was available in the park--oh and for the boys it was to see how close they could get to spitting on someone's head without getting caught. Here’s my photo story. happy Friday!
rotflmao!!!! Such a DAD! I was boy crazy from the time I was born, my poor Dad was a nervous wreck until I was finally married. lol!
She's a very pretty girl Chris!
Oh my....that's it. I'm putting my daughter in a bubble. Now. Go get that gun. Pronto!
I used to be cool......until I told everyone on my blog that I were socks and slippers to bed.
Wait, not what the post is about! :)
My bloggy friend, welcome to the world of the parent your child doesn't want to be seen with.
Poor Daddy. :( She's beautiful. You're definitely gonna have to get a shotgun.
Love how brother expressed his concern. :)
Hahaha! My husband has already been eyeing one of those and our daughter is only 5. :)
P.S. There's a hilarious scene in the movie New in Town (just came out on DVD) that I think you would definitely relate to. My husband and I were cracking up.
Oh Hahahahaha... huh? Joke's on DAD huh? Funny... my oldest is 11 and basically still refuses to comb her hair more than the mandatory once a day... and showering? She really doesn't see the point.. I keep wondering when... when do they turn into girls??
Yep, a shot gun is a great idea. Happy Father's Day Chris! I hope it's one filled with joy and a breakfast with burnt toast made with love :-)
I won't say anything cause my time is a comin....
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