Hosted by Cecily and Lolli
Day 320
November 19: Guitar. Again. Burning out. Glad this year is almost over...
Day 321
November 20: Evidently I missed another day. I'm finding it really hard to care at this point. Don't ever commit to taking a picture a day for TWO years.
Day 322
November 21: Chris just pawn in Game of Life.
Day 323
November 22: This little polynesian fish hook has been hanging from my rearview mirror for about ten years.
What hangs from your mirror?
Day 324
November 23: Armageddon.
To listen to the news reports, this was going to be a whopper of a storm. People left work early, they invaded the stores for survival supplies. They hoarded gasoline and food. I was prepared to eat one of my children, if necessary.
We got two inches.
Day 325
November 24: No matter what else you've done that day, you can't NOT take a picture of your little angel, asleep on the couch.
That's in the manual folks.
Day 326
November 25: Thanksgiving!
I LOVE Thanksgiving, and it saddens me to see it more and more overlooked each year.
This year, my caramel apple cider was the hit of the holiday. Let me know if you'd like the recipe.
Day 327
November 26: Up close and personal with one of my wife's latest crocheted creations!
Day 328
November 27: The last day of the regular college football season. Rivalry day. The cougars held strong for fifty nine minutes and fifty six seconds, and then....
Four seconds...
Field goal to win it...
Great game Utes. Have fun wallowing in the middle of the Pac 12.
I'm not bitter...
Day 329
November 28: Ample reward for shoveling the driveway, and the sidewalk, after the REAL snowstorm.
The one no one told us about.
Day 330
November 29: I love to shoot into the sun, on a crisp winter's morning.
Day 331
November 30: 'Tis the season for Christmas movies! Which ones are your favorite?
Day 332
December 1: Eye see you!
(sigh...is the year over yet?)
Day 333
December 2: Flying my spaceship out of the mouth of an ice monster.
Your storm caption made me laugh... ;) Great pictures!
lol! You are funny. I love the shots of the hot cocoa and the sun - beautiful!!
I'm hoping I make it through one year of 365. It was hard to do, but a great challenge.
Emma sleeping is the best!!!
Gotta love those weathermen
and soooooo sad about BYU :( maybe next year . . .
i want the cider recipe. It sounds wonderful.
Yeah.. talk about burnout.. I missed a month and a half. But I am back.. trying to get every day in December.
Oh that game... I don't even want to think about it. And yes loved your comment about where Utah will be next year. My stomach just turns every time I think about that game.
Great pictures. Love the icicles.
And the recipe is ... where?
Love the chess piece... my dh and son are dueling over a chess board as I type (using checkers for pawns since somebody lost them all... it's been awhile since it's been used)!
and does this mean no project 365 next year??
The sun? Gorgeous.
And, caramel apple cider? Delicious. And, hot chocolate. Can you tell I'm cold?
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