Hosted by Cecily and Lolli
When I walk down the street, I hear a tune in my head. It goes like this:
"Hm Hm Hm, Hm Hm Hm, Hmmm Hmmm, Hmmm Hm Hm Hmmm"
The title of this song is "Linus and Lucy" but is probably more well known as "The Charlie Brown Song." You know the song I'm talking about.
I love Charlie Brown, I've always felt like a kindred spirit to the round headed kid (as Snoopy refers to him). He is so eager, and so desperate to be accepted -- and so often behind the eight ball. I can relate.
I think most of us can.
Back in the 60's, a musical was written based on the Peanuts Characters, called "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown," and from that play came the song "Happiness" which defines the word, in a series of sentences beginning with the words, "Happiness is..."
We've hit a bit of a rough spot around here lately -- nothing insurmountable, just compounding issues that seem to come in bunches. My water heater is on the fritz. My washer stopped working. My muffler needs fixing. My fence blew over. And on. And on. It's like living in a country song.
Tonight, when I asked my wife what I should write for Photostory Friday, she said two words:
Happiness is...
It was just what I needed.
Happiness is...
...a kiss
Happiness is...
...God's own mural...
...being rewarded for patience
Happiness is...
...fighting evil
Happiness is...
...turning weeds...
...into flowers
Happiness is...
...getting your sun and your rain at the same time
Happiness is...
...all the colors running together
Happiness is...
...finding love in unexpected places
Happiness is...
...botched cosmetic surgery
(Hey, you never know...)
Happiness is...
...five olives
Happiness is...
...daring to be different
Happiness is...
...having ANY job but this guy's
Happiness is...
...making the best of your situation
Happiness is...
...being comfortable with your age...
...that's thirty-eight candles on a cupcake!
Happiness is...
...knowing you've found The One
Happiness is...
...new life
Happiness is...
...Sharon's hand in mine...
...and Jordan's eyes...
...and Matthew' heart...
...and Emma's Emma-ness
Happiness is...
How about you?
At the risk of sounding SUPER cheesy...
Happiness is reading a post like this.
Three shades of awesome.
Nice photos.
I love that after knowing what song you were humming, all the hmms were perfect - all the right length, with the commas in the right spots!
This is the best post I have seen all week. I missed you and your blog Chris! SO great to see you again.
Very cool. It's about time for Chris and all his writing to come back.
And how I do love my Coop with cosmetic surgery...
Well, this certainly started my day on a happy note! Amazing photos, as always.
This post made me teary. Beautiful!!
Well, I think you did it right. This post made me happy and brought a smile to my face (and maybe a tear or two, but that is probably due to hormones.). ;)
You totally just put a smile on my face and tear to my eye! So funny, sweet and TRUE! Thanks for the reminder of what "happiness is".
Your pics are always amazing! Focusing on the happy stuff always makes my day go a little better. Especially when all the little spoilers show up at once. I Couldn't stop laughing at the balloons in the shirt picture. and your caption. hahaha see? still laughing :D
This really spoke to me.
And oddly says that I need to get out and do more and care about the "stupid" stuff less.
And, the botched cosmetic surgery? Laughed out loud!
great post--its been awhile, thought I'd say hi. Kaye—the road goes ever ever on
How fun, much happiness. I totally love the peep bunny peaking out and the Emma pic.
Love that shot of you kids, too cute.
Aw, this post made me happy, does that count?
Happiness comes from inside =D this is great!
hii all....
visit to my blog....
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