Hosted by Cecily and Lolli
A few weeks back, I was driving through an unbelievably beautiful scene. Before me, thousands of aspens, just changing from green to gold in the early autumn, stretched away to the horizon. Behind me, the same scene extended back beyond the bend in the road I had come around. Ferns carpeted the meadows on both sides of the road. The beauty and intensity of the moment was overpowering. I jumped out of the car, and tromped through the trees, shooting close shots and long shots. I shot up into the blue sky, and down into the golden meadows. Every picture was full of October beauty, but none was capturing what I was feeling.
What I was experiencing was the unique sensation of being present in the moment.
Sometimes we get caught looking one way or the other, along the path of our lives. We look to where we've come from for reassurance and wisdom. Or we look ahead, searching for hopes and promises. One is a memory, the other is a dream. There's nothing wrong with either of these -- every journey needs a beginning and an end.
But the most important moment of every day, is the moment you're living in right now.
It's a cliche. It's also true.
Every experience that you have ever had, happened to you in the present. That moment helped to determine what you would be in the future, and what you would remember, when you looked back. But sometimes -- often, in my case -- it seems I'm so focused on what lay ahead or behind me, that I lose track of the beauty I'm passing through.
When I got back in my car and snapped this picture, I thought of the stunning scene that lay before me, and the magnificent beauty I had left behind, and realized how lucky I was to be there, present in the moment.
Between our memories and our dreams, is our life.
nice perspective
Lovely post and a nice reminder to enjoy the journey and live in the moment.
I have missed your photos.
Beautiful. :)
I'm so bad about missing the now and worrying about the future (or the past). Thanks for the reminder.
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