Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
It's Autumn and I am pumped! This is, hands down, my favorite time of year. I once saw a statistic that stated that autumn moves down the slope of a mountain at a rate of about 200 feet per day. I don't know if that is accurate or not, but I have been watching the mountains above my house for several weeks now, and it's almost fully colored. It's almost to my house! My belly button has been puckering and unpuckering, with excitement, for days now.
Fall is college football and the fragrance of decaying leaves. It's warm days and cool nights. It's subdued light and Ichabod Crane.

It is the unbearably, breathtakingly, beautiful time of the year. Fall is when Nature performs the show, she has been preparing for all year -- an extravaganza of cranberry and rust, goldenrod and pumpkin orange. I have never been to New England in the fall (I've never been to New England at all, for that matter) but that is my dream vacation. I love living where we have all four seasons, and, truthfully, I really enjoy all of them. But I get tired of the heat of summer, and I weary of the cold and dreariness of winter, but I never tire of Autumn.
It is so beautiful, that it overloads my memory, and overpowers my senses and I forget, from year to year just how stunning the Fall is -- so it comes as a nice serendipitous surprise every September.
Well...that was a little more rapturous than I had intended, but the words of Ramses...
So let it be written. So let it be done.
Couldn't agree more. Fally is my favorite too. There's just something about the color and the season of change.
Now only if winter didn't follow fall, I'd love it even more.
Let it be written. Let it be done. As you said.
Geez I tried, I really tried. To actually READ your post. but sheesh, the dang photos kept stopping me in my tracks.
I'll go back now and shield myself from the photos to read the post! Ha.
Nothin' like Utah Fall...just makes me giddy thinking about it! As always, I L-O-V-E the pics. And your rapturous words.
As for your question about where the nature preserve is, its just off of 5th South in Bountiful across from Legacy. The body of water is called Bountiful Lake (but its really more like a big pond). Its a great place to hang out. Lots of picnic tables and several docks to fish from...if you're into that stuff. :)
Your pics make me miss UT. They are beautiful! What a talent you have...
Wow, between the words and the photos I was rapt there for a second.
You really have a gift...for writing and photography.
I have been waiting all week to see what you would post this week on PSF and was not disappointed. My, these photos are beautiful. Fall is definitely my favorite too! My husband and I really wanted to see the Fall aspens in Colorado this year but I guess it will have to wait one more year. I will have to let these photos of yours help to take me to the beautiful happy place of autumn!
Thanks for an inspirational word as well!
I love fall, love it. I love you photos this week too. The leaves on the water, beautiful. That is interesting about the 200 feet per day. I drove through Pennsylvania in the prime colors and it was amazing.
this time of year definitely creates the best pics....
Hi Chris, These shots are superb, catches the moods of autumn. Loved them all. :)
I think you will turn in to a poet soon!
Oh, I love fall too. Not near as pretty in Texas but still wonderful!!!! Such beautiful photos!
BTW - my husband feels the same way, about the children's laughter... and love for him being totally addictive. That is what makes you all great fathers!
What beautiful countryside! I too love fall. The changing colors do it for me!
Beautiful kids, btw!
Beautiful shots! I especially loved that first one.
Fall is such a wondrous time of year. I missed it so much during my post college years in Florida that I would cry when I would go to a movie and see scenes of fall. I guess I was destined to move north.
Beautiful pictures!! I am with you! Utah is SO beautiful right now! Thanks for coming by my blog!
wow - fabulous post - love the shots - all I could think was - aww the raking - the raking!! gorgeous shot - the last one!
Beautiful! It makes me want to get in the car and find Autumn somewhere!
i love Fall. but don't have the cool color change effects, or cool weather. i guess i like the idea of fall more than my reality fall. hmmm. LOVED YOUR COMMENT. about potty training. i had to cackle out loud! thanks for that.
Beautiful! I too look forward to fall each year. Like you said it's a nice surprise after a hot summer.
This makes me want to go hiking in the mountains.
You are not only a very talented photographer, but also have quite a way with words! My only complaint with fall is that it's just too dang short. This year, up here on the Canadian prairies, we've had it all of September, which is rare. Most years, it seems, we go straight from summer to winter with only a couple of weeks in transition. It's been quite splendid this year.
My parents are doing the "fall in New England" thing right now. Someday I hope I can, too.
Ditto! What an amazingly written post and the photos are breathtaking! I love the Fall and thankfully my husband shares this feeling too. There's just something about it that gives me warm fuzzies inside. I also think that Fall is the best season to capture on film.
The kids look fabulous in that photo! Great job!
The picture with the kids and the pumpkins is wonderful. I love the orange and the fall trees and their happy smiles. Nice shot!
I'm envious you have mountains. It's the one thing I miss about living in central New Mexico, no close mountains covered with trees whose leaves are all changing with the arrival of fall. Thanks for sharing your pictures. :)
Oh Chris, you never cease to wow me with your beautiful shots and great posts.
I want to be in New England in the Fall too-- maybe one years my family will see your family there :-)
I love your pictures and I love your blog. You are so talented with your piture taking and with your words.
You could have written more and I would have continued to be in rapture with it all...your photograpy of the fall merging together downward makes me giddy with excitement..Hands down the BEST time of year!!
Now, those are some seriously lovely autumn shots.
What a lovely way to kick off PSF!
BEAUTIFUL post. BEAUTIFUL pictures! Autumn is my most favorite season...I just wish it lasted LONGER here in New England. I love it so, so much. And you've captured that perfect essence of it all in this post!!
seriously the pics are awesome. but i am rolling laughing over the thought of your belly button puckering and unpuckering. THAT my friend is classic!
What the hell is with your belly button?
Gorgeous! My favorite time of year, as you could probably guess :)
You captured some absolutely breathtaking pictures that show Autumn in all it's beauty. I love this time of year also. The picture of your kids is gorgeous!
Breathtaking photos! I am so jealous...fall is my favorite season also, but we don't have a real fall here in AZ. This makes me want to go home!
I'm a fall person too. Those pictures are absolutely amazing. I love the first shot. Simplicity and water. Perfection. And the last shot of the children is beautiful.
I too love fall. The weather is perfect and the colors are so vibrant! Beautiful photos!
Wow, just gorgeous. Really makes me miss the east coast. I feel refreshed just looking at the pictures. Yummy!!
Gorgeous gorgeous!!
But.. I have a question..
Exactly what is it that happens when your belly button puckers and unpuckers?? Cause I can't say that I've had that experience!!
I love fall, too. Not too much color here, yet, but it'll be here soon. Gorgeous photos, as always.
Those are amazing shots! The leaves floating in the water are mesmerizing.
Thanks for visiting my story. Happy Friday.
200' a day - WOW!! Belly button puckering and unpuckering cracks me up! You are hilarious!
Love the family portrait!
I agree with Aaron...what is up with your belly button?
Awesome pics, though. I wish I could take pics even half as well as you.
Wow. I think your shots are stunning. And, New England is gorgeous when the leaves change. And, there is that crispness in the air. I'm loving your day in history. I taught the subject and did something similar.
I love fall! We are looking forward to seeing the changing fall leaves, which hasn't happened yet down here - beautiful photos!
Terrific post. Terrific. Gorgeous writing and splendid photos. Excellent. And Autumn is my favourite time of year too. No contest. (Which probably doesn't have anything to do with all the cake I eat for my birthday in September now does it?)
Thanks for sharing such beauty.
I love the fall photos! I see the Centerville mountains from my bedroom window. The changing colors are beautiful. I hope your belly button calms down soon.
You did autumn too! I have blackberries and you have amazing scenery. So jealous!
WOW! Beautiful photos. I live in a place that does not have 4 distinct seasons and Autumn is the one that has always intrigued me about the places that do. It looks majestic!
How awesome!! I love it too :) What beautiful gorgeous awesome pics!!! ;)
Beautiful shots!
I just decided today that fall is definitely my favorite season. It even smells better.
Those are beautiful pictures!!
if i could get pics like that, it might be my favourite season too, but spring (like we have here right now) is pretty cool too...
Now that's just lovely. You write so beautifully. And I must add that Fall is the time of year for you to take some more stunning pictures! Thanks for visiting my ridiculous photo-less post on Friday - I have since posted the pic that I intended to be there.
You? Live there? That is just breathtakingly beautiful. No wonder your belly button does what it does.
I love fall too!
Those photos are GORGEOUS! I am so jealous of your fall! We only have Hurricanes here. . . .sigh.
Beautiful, beautiful! Love autumn, love your perspective, both prose and photographic.
Just beautiful pictures. Fall is the best season for pics, in my if I could just get my hands on my dream camera!
thanks for stopping by!
WOW! I don't know where you are-but the east coast has some competition for sure! Those shots are gorgeous. I agree wholeheartedly about your love for fall too; this is mother nature's peek time to shine.
my hubby's is Boston this weekend and I am insanely jealous-he says it's just fantastic and after spending a day at Harvard-it's exactly like you would picture it.
Fall-it's what we've been waiting for.....
Wow. Gorgeous. The picture of your kids at the bottom is amazing. Frame and send off to all the relatives!
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