Candy is a photographer with a fantastic eye. She is the wife of a Calvinist preacher, a mother and a marathon runner. She is a fascinating mixture of straight talk and wide eyed wonder.
Thanks Candy.
Here are the rules: Write about five things you love. Make five other people do the same.
1. I love these eyes. Jordan's eyes are her most striking feature, and they always have been. Looking at pictures of Jordan as a small child and comparing them to a current picture, it's the eyes that tell you who you are looking at. They compliment her graceful and lovely appearance nicely. These eyes are the reason I began taking pictures.
2. I love this smile. Emma's smile is still young and genuine. I don't know why it is that we develop that phony smile as we get older, but we all do it. Emma is hanging on to her "real" smile longer than most. It's at least 1,000,000 watts. This smile is love. This smile gets whatever it wants.
3. I love this heart. Matthew is the kindest, gentlest, and most generous boy that I know. He is a great friend. His best attribute may be his ability to forgive so easily. Especially his quick tempered and often regretful father.
4. I love this picture. We don't do family pictures very often, because, frankly, I prefer to be on the other end of the camera. But, a couple of weeks ago, we dressed everyone in white shirts and denim, found a pretty place, I set the camera timer and made a mad dash. We were happy, we were smiling. And nobody hated the picture. Result? We finally have a picture of the whole family to hang in our home.
5. I love my bullwhip. These don't all have to be the greatest loves of my life, do they? I'm a huge Indiana Jones fan (he was the force behind my love of history -- it's a long story). That whip you see coiled on my shoulder, is made by David Morgan, the man who made the whips for the movies. It's the SAME whip! And I paid through the nose for it. Now purists will look at my outfit here and say "Sure, he's got the hat and jacket. But, where's the gun and the shoulder bag?" But, what they're all thinking is "I wish I had that whip!" It sounds like a rifle when it cracks. I think it scares the neighbors, but they've only called the police once. It hurts like a mother when you catch yourself in the calf or behind the ear. That's the sign of a good whip. (I don't really have jaundice -- it's just the filter).
Now, I think I'll pass this love fest on to:
1. Pam. She has possibly the cutest kids on the planet, especially the curly haired ballerina who loves her uncle Chris.
2. Alisha. This is your online source for two beautiful little crackerjacks, whose mother takes her camera EVERYWHERE! Even to the hospital. And she answers all of her email. She's like Superwoman.
3. Kat. Kat is a great writer and story teller. Those ghost stories creeped me out. On top of that she might have West Nile virus. I think that alone should qualify her for an award. And one of these days, I'll figure out what a fritter farmer is.
4. Susan. All she is is a Christian, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, former teacher, photographer (make that a very good photographer), vocalist, cook, cleaner, mender of boo boos, organizer, writer, blogger, listener, piles of laundry doer, and jewelry seller. So she has quite a bit of time on her hands to do things like this. Besides, she always leaves the kindest comments for me.
5. Jordan. My first born, who just lives for things like this.
Gorgeous family photo and children. And yes I can see where many men will be envious of your whip. ;)
Wow, you are so kind to pass on such bloggy bling! Thank you! And I am totally blushing over "Superwoman".
As for the Indiana photo, that is awesome! I think the costume turned out fantastic! That's going to be hard to top next year.
The kids photo really well and I totally agree with you about Jordan's eyes. They are amazing.
Oh and one more thing, can you send me your Indy photo in a larger format? When I try to open it from the blog it's small. Thanks.
Your daughter's eyes are no less than amazing! Great post!
~AirmanMom returning to her blog...
Seriously???? THE SAME whip??? That is awesome!!!!!
Thank you so much for passing the award on to me (and the hilarious words too). I am honored! :)
By the way, you were one of my Saturday Suggestions this past week. I suppose I should have mentioned it earlier. Dur.
Wow, thanks for the award.
I can't believe you got that family picture by setting the camera's timer.
You make a great Indiana Jones. Love that shot. I am quite sure my husband would be envious of the bull whip.
This was a great post Chris, and the photos ARE amazing. You have a wonderful family. I have to say I just saw the newest Indiana Jones movie, we rented so got to see the extra features. Harrison Ford still has it, he mastered the Whip again in no time. I have no doubt your skill could rival Harrison! Nice photo of you and the whip too!
The family photo is amazing, I wish we were so lucky! But with three sqirmy boys... no such luck.
You may enjoy this merchant, they made the hats for the movie: http://www.baronhats.com/
Congrats on your award. Your family photo turned out great!! I love what you did with this list and the way you told it with photos.
I love that you documented the things you love in your photos and it was in the faces and love for your family!
Have a good day - Kellan
What lovely things you had to say about your family! But I have to say I'm not fooled that the only reason you love your bull whip is because your an Indiana Jones fan. Nice cover! :)
Emma's Smile: sweet and passive.
Matthew's Heart: Every parent's dream and blessing
Family Photos: Priceless and irreplacable
the Bullwhip: intrigued.
Congrats on the award! Awesome pics! I need to stop taking pictures with my phone! LOL! XOXO
Congratulations on the award. You have a gorgeous family :) I love the family portrait. Just beautiful.
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