But, it turns out that blogging everyday changed me. It changed the way I think. Yesterday, for the first time in over a month, I wrote nothing. It felt wrong. All day long I had this nagging feeling that I was shirking some sort of responsibility. I realize if I ignore this feeling, it will eventually go away. But, here's the problem:
I liked it. It was a great exercise in creative writing (or trying to be creative, anyway). Well that, and I thoroughly enjoy hearing from so many people, from so many different places. So after one day off, I'm back at it. I have no plan to go every day, I won't inflict that on you again. But, I need my fix. I've accepted it.
I'm a blogaholic.
Having said that, here is a bit of inaneness. Something I learned today -- if you want to make licorice flavored caramel, it doesn't matter how much anice extract you put in -- if you are making the caramel with brown sugar, it will still taste like caramel. Anice is the licorice flavoring, and it smells just like NyQuil -- the green stuff -- it is VERY strong. But, I poured in the whole bottle (1 full ounce), and nothing. Maybe a slight aftertaste, but that's it. The caramel is very good, but it's just caramel.
After we were done, I looked up licorice caramel recipes, online, and lo and behold, you have to use WHITE sugar!
This is how I do things.
Anyway, since I had five little red apples, standing there expectantly, I dipped them in the hot caramel.
They look like five little guys, with bad toupees.
My wife thinks this guy:
Looks a lot like this guy:

I just don't see it.
fun post!
Thanks for sharing the apple secrets!
~AirmanMom returning to her blog...
Hahaha! You're funny.
Now why would you want carmel to taste like licorice? That just seems wrong. I can't stand licorice. Hmmm.
Oh, you are hilarious! This is a great idea! Gonna have to try some holiday baking this year!
I'm with Kat, why licorice? I can tolerate cherry and even strawberry, but black licorice is yuucky. It reminds me of Jagermeister, which in turn reminds me of other things, which in turn makes me dislike the smell. lOL! Nifty idea though. I like the little caramel hats on the apples too!
My first thought was.....why would you want your carmel to taste like licorice??
I agree with your wife.
I know. When I don't post it feels weird. But sometimes I just need a break and I figure my readers do so they can catch up.
haha cute. And great thing to know about the brown/white sugar although personally I'm not a fan of black licorice or NyQuil. ;)
oh to live in your world...
Thanks for the licorice tip-- I love licorice and brown sugar is a little expensive to have to find out the wrong way it's not the right thing. (whew, try to say that fast)
Chris, I'm so glad you opened up Open ID. I wanted to share my latest post with you. I think you'll enjoy it!
I find that I can't go a day without blogging either; crazy huh?
Also, don't forget to vote tomorrow and join Eletion Blog Party right at MommyWizdom.
awesome apples. I think I see the resemblance. I'm with Kat...why????
I'm a blogaholic!! Love it
love your apples too!
Love the new header!
I am glad you enjoyed the process and will want to keep posting. I feel odd when I don't post as well even though some days I just cannot do it. It's not about the posting for me but I don't post if I don't have the time to read others posts as well. I find that the more I post the more I am aware of the little details of life that are there to notice.
Thanks for all of your posts, they have inspired me! Also, I heard an interview on NPR that reminded me of you. Charles Shultz's son was interviewed about the new Peanuts episodes they are working on. Very interesting, talking about getting kids to be the voices and how the characters have changed with the culture. I think it was Monday between 5:30 and 7pm, you might can find it online.
Look at all of your followers! Hey, have you ever thought about doing a professional photo blog, to get your name out there in the photography world? You know, like Thornblad Family Photography or something.
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