365 Week: 6
Day 36
Day 37
Day 38
Day 39
Day 40
This is not the marquee at my kids' school, but my kids are off school this coming Monday too. I have a problem with this. Some holidays are family celebrations, and some are educational. At Christmas time, we gather together and we celebrate joy and family. We should be home with our families that day. School would not be the best place to celebrate Christmas. But what about President's Day? Are kids all over the country going to spend the day thinking about all the Presidents of the United States?
It's the perfect opportunity for a day long civics class.
Actually, for my money we shouldn't have President's Day at all. They don't all deserve to be celebrated. When I was a kid (back before dinosaurs became fossil fuel) the holiday focused on Lincoln and Washington. It should be that way again. You should have to earn a holiday -- even if you are the President of the United States.
Ok, I feel better now.
Day 41
Day 42
February 11: Last summer my wife signed up for a magazine subscription. It was from one of those people, from some other state, who come around to your house, VERY LATE in the evening, with the story about how hard they are working to improve their lives, and pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and can't you please help? Well, my kind hearted wife took pity and decided to purchase a subscription. Besides, it was my son's birthday, and wouldn't it be great to give him a year long subscription to SOCCER MAGAZINE?
Well...apparently, SHAPE MAGAZINE was right above SOCCER MAGAZINE on the list, and the salesperson checked the wrong box. And the customer service phone numbers we were given get us nowhere. So now every month, my son gets a magazine in the mail, with a beautiful, bikini clad woman on the cover.
Have I mentioned that Matthew is nine? He's not even old enough to appreciate beautiful, bikini clad women.
What a waste.
magnificent photos! You have an amazing gift! Thank you!
Hello, jelly donut!
Love the self-portrait with the guitar. Too cool.
When I was a first grade teacher a few years ago, we focused on Lincoln, Washington and the current president on Presidents' Day. I don't think we ever got the day off. :(
Oh darn, I thought you were going to tell me how to blast away my belly fat. Nice series.
I have to agree about the holiday - the big box stores go overboard with their Pres. Day sales, Memorial Day sales, and on and on. Seems like most holidays have lost their meaning these days.
I love Bob Ross and his happy little trees and bushes. He is awesome.
Our schools are not closed for Presidents Day. That would seem like a waste. ;)
My son (who is 5) probably would appreciate the bikini clad woman. He is always picking out scantily clad women from department store ads and telling me he thinks they are pretty. Great. Little perv. ;)
Hey! My mom, sister, and I used to watch Bob Ross every Saturday morning together. Now my sister watches it with her two year old daughter. When her daughter wants to color or paint she will ask "Bob Ross Mommy...peas?"
Great reading material for your son! I guess it's a good start to his sex education....who needs the boring maturation program in 5th grade?!
Dude....you need to wash your windows, or at least the one you shoot out of! :)
Love the self portrait playing guitar.
I will never be old enough to appreciate a bikina clad bod....maybe not old enough, just don't appreciate not having one..crap!!
I love Bob Ross....he always seemed to be in such a magical place...need to find mine!
You're a great photographer. Love the guitar self portrait and the wooden fence oh, and the happy cloud. Ditto on the pres. day soapbox. But get this my son has Monday AND this Friday off in celebration of PD and I talked to a mom in the park the other day who said her kids were off all. next. week. Wha??? So, could be worse I guess. Keep the photos coming.
Hi Chris! I have just worked out that I am follower number 16, so I have been commenting for some time; and only now do I discover that you are a chap, a fellow, a bloke! Not that it makes the slightest difference to the fact that you are a brilliant photographer and write exceedingly good posts.
Thank you for your visit to mine.
That Shape magazine would just depress me!
Looks like another very artsy, creative week for you. How do you fit it all in?
I would equally be depressed by that magazine. I also agree about the president's day thing...why aren't the kids in school LEARNING about presidents? Hello! And why do county courthouses close on those days. Their county courthouses, not FEDERAL courthouses.
Sorry that last one was a separate rant. Ahem.
Love the happy cloud!! And we do get President's Day off (hurray for me!!!) but we focus curriculum ahead of time on Washington and Lincoln. That might not make you feel better. But it sure makes the teachers happy. ;)
Ohhhhh Bob Ross. Sugar and I just watched him paint some happy clouds this past weekend....or was it two weekends ago? no bother...it was recently. :)
great shots. Love the fence, and guitar. :)
I totally agree with you on the President's Day "holiday". Your argument is perfect.
Your poor son...he must be so disappointed every month.
So do you confiscate your son's magazine? ;)
Great photos, as usual. Really super. I remember the "happy cloud" guy because my grandmother who paints liked to watch his show.
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