Hosted by Chris

Hosted by Cecily and Lolli
Day 43
Something Sweet
February 12: Do you remember the urban legend about the Indian and the star, on the wrapper of a Tootsie Pop? More importantly, do you know anyone who ever cashed in?
Day 44
Body Parts
February 13: My Valentine's contribution for the week.
Emma's best friend is a little boy across the street named Blake. Now I'm not predicting impending wedding bells or anything, but I love watching the two of them play together. When I was very young, my best friend was the girl across the street too. With Emma and Blake, there really are no boy/girl issues -- all they know is that they have the most fun when they play together. We like having Blake around.
And he laughs like a chipmunk.
Day 45
Black and White (with a little extra)
February 14: I love the Olympics. Summer, winter -- it doesn't matter. I love everything. I love to watch the constant push to be swifter, higher, stronger.
Salt Lake hosted the Winter games in 2002. It was an amazing experience, just being a host city, and every time the Olympics returns, those feelings return as well.
Salt Lake was left with quite a legacy following the games. The world class venues are now the main training grounds for many of the members of Team USA.
This is a picture of the Olympic Cauldron. There's a neat little museum surrounding it now, but the cauldron itself mostly serves as a resting spot for passing birds.
I've often wished that the various host cities would re-light their cauldrons whenever a new Olympics begins.
Imagine that -- every couple of years -- this flame that represents brotherhood and sportsmanship and goodwill, burning brightly, all over the world.
How cool would that be?
Day 46
Sky Shot
February 15: The day was gray. Just gray. Blah.
Day 47
February 16: Today I'm thankful for another day of life on earth -- a day when I could go out and get the sky shot that I should have gotten yesterday.
I realize I took a picture of this same bridge a couple of weeks ago.
Please forgive me -- the lines are just hard to resist.
Day 48
Something I love
February 17: I do have other children, I really do. It's just that they're older, and they're off doing other things these days.
I love Emma's eyes. They are the most expressive feature of a very expressive child -- when she's angry they burn, when she laughs, they dance, when she says I love you, they pull you in.
The rest of the time, they just look like this.
Day 49
Something I hate
February 18: I'm hating looking for something to hate. It's hard!
I thought I had it in the bag today -- it was supposed to snow -- during the morning commute. I don't mind driving in the snow, but I HATE commuting in the snow -- because the idiots come out in full force. So, I was going to take a picture of the snowy morning commute.
Only, it didn't snow.
But the weatherman promised the storm was delayed, and that surely it would hit on the commute home. Good news -- I REALLY hate commuting home in the snow. But it didn't snow. Again.
So I took a picture of 6:30 am -- the time of day I dislike most of all.

Great shots...of course. ;)
I loved Tootsie Pops, but I never heard that urban legend.
I know exactly what you mean about pictures of Emma. I have tons of Jacob and Julianna and not so many of Jason and Rebekah. Off doing other things indeed.
I think it's an awesome idea for the past host cities to relight the cauldron--that would be fabulous.
If it makes you feel any better, I'd love to sleep until 6:30. :)
My best friend as a kid was a boy, too... named David. He eventually moved on to other male friends, so I found a new boy friend named David.
My middle child is working on a project for school and has to find pictures of herself. It's now we're realizing just how many pictures we have of her younger sister and not her. Too late to do much about it now, i guess.
I've never heard of that Urban Legend...
I'm with you on the Olympics...they are just cool. I'm getting kind of tired of watching curling though.
I'm not a fan of 6:30 either. Just once, I'd like to get up leisurely, without some small ones pulling at me begging for mee-alk and cer-we-all!
Oh, and I love just the hint of freckles on Emma's nose. They fit her perfectly.
Beautiful photos. Love, love the idea of the Olympic Cauldron. And I love the captions. The photos speak for themselves, but the captions are beautiful, as well!
I like the idea of relighting the cauldrons too. That would be pretty cool.
I've never been to Salt Lake City. But my husband and I went to Lake Placid for our honeymoon. We rode the bobsled. REALLY REALLY cool!
The ones with the hands? Awesome...just awesome.
I've never heard the legend and I hope it isn't true whatever it is because I've had one of those before...I think.
I just lovvvvve "body parts".. I need to shoot my toddler's toes and baby's fingers and stuff more often. Great shots this week!
I also hate 6:30. Did you wait to shoot it or did you change the clock? (:
The relighting idea is GENIUS! Who can you call?
Resisting those lines would be hard for me too...if I knew where they were. I have a feeling they're close to me though.
The Valentine's Day shot is AWESOME. I bet Blake's mom would love it too. :)
I had tons of those Indian shooting the star ones, to cash in someday.
I think that is an awesome idea to light all the cauldrons.
Love it!
And yes I have heard that about the Tootsie Roll pops and so I looked it up on snopes.com, not true but that rumor has been around since 1930!!
You can read about it here http://www.snopes.com/business/redeem/tootsie.asp
I LOVE that bridge shot, the curves of it, the colors. Beautiful shot. I get way more shots of my Alex than I do Lucas, she just rarely looks bad in a picture and doesn't move quite as much... though lately she has taken to holding things in front of her face while Lucas while smile so cutely so their might be a shift :)
I always love your posts...they make me smile
Great job capturing the Olympic spirit! We have been watching as well, but I am having a hard time finding a way to represent that photographically.
Lots of grey skies here too.. of course!
love your photos this week.
never cashed in on the tootsie pop thing....don't know if anyone else did or not. hmmmm
are the themes helping you...or hindering you. I wanted freedom this month...but now I'm sensing a struggle. eeekkk....
HA! I'm still laughing about your comment about my frog. My husband, sitting across the room said "what?". I just kept laughing... he wouldn't understand! LOL. That made my night. Thanks!
I actually did cash one it for a new tootsie pop!
It would be totally cool is the did relight the flames all over the world for the Olympics.
Your daughter is just wonderful and I am loving getting to see the many side of Emma :)
What a cool idea about the flame! That would be just beautiful!
LOVE the hands together. Such a sweet relationship those kids have :)
I missed out, I never heard about this legend! Great pictures though, the little hands are darling, and the gray sky is actually quite lovely. I do remember the bridge, but it was nice seeing this new shot of it! The color is quite nice.~
Love the bridge (again). My Best friend as a toddler was also the boy next door.
love the sky pictures, as always!
About the Tootsie Pops...I also heard that if your wrapper had 4 complete circles on it, then it was worth FREE candy.....But, it was always UNCLEAR to me how to cash in, also!
I remember looking for the Indian shooting the star every time I ate a Tootsie Pop!
I LOVE the body parts shot. That is my favorite this week, and I am always a fan of sky shots. Beautiful. :)
I love the idea of all the host cities re-lighting their cauldrons during the Olympics. You should email them. ;)
Terrific captures! You are so right about the bridge and Emma looks cute.
I love the idea about the olympic torches.
My oldest often complains that we take so many more pictures of the younger kdis....at which point I pull out the four or five albums we have of her first year, vs. the 4 or 5 shots we have of the following three kids. It all evens out.
I have issues with all things prior to 7am. Too bad I have an early rising son.
Love that bridge, no matter if you got it recently or not. I wouldn't be able to resist the lines either.
I love that idea of relighting each of the host cities when the olympics begin. You should submit that. :)
I vaguely remember something about a cowboy/star on the tootsie roll pop. Mmm love the blue/purple ones.
My faves this week are the Olympic stadium shot and the greyish sky. That's what it looks like here... it's kinda how I feel today, too.
My kids try and keep the wrappers still... I secretly throw them away. I remember the legend, not exactly all the details, and no I don't know anyone who ever cashed in... do you?
I love the little 'I love you' hands... it's our family sign.
I think your idea to light all the cauldrons is fantastic! They should totally listen to you!
Emma's face is awesome! Looks like a couple of my kids too! :)
OH, and I agree with the 6:30 thing! Ugh!
Great week! The sky and bridge shots are my favorites and that urban legend....never heard of it.
Oh. My. Gosh. The Valentines hands are my favorite favorites : )
You know, next week at I heart Faces the theme is hands. You should SO totally enter those hands : )
6:30 totally stinks at my house, too! Ick and yuck!
Love those little green eyes...silly face and all.
I don't think I've watched a single Olympic event these winter Olympics. I'm bad like that.
But, I did go to the place where the Salt Lake City olympics were later that Spring. It was pretty cool!
I love your pictures and your stories. My daughter's best friend was a boy until this year (3rd grade). They were getting teased a lot on both fronts and now they walk a wide circle around each other. Sigh...
I have made MANY wishes on tootsie pops and so do my kids! :)
Our alarm goes off at 6:00 and I agree - it is something I hate too...
Your blog makes Fridays lots of fun! :)
February 15 - gray, blah, and beautiful! Pretty shot.
Awesome shots as always. 6:30 is not my favorite time of day either...and I must say, you sir, are quite inspiring yourself. I bet your photo wall is AWEsome!
I DO remember the Indian and star thing...and I DID cash in at our local Ben Franklin store! Well, okay, I didn't, but my mom did. Wait! Maybe she just SAID she did and just bought me another. I must ask now.
My best friends have always been males - they are just so much more fun and less snooty! Geesh, THAT sounded snooty...
I have other children, too....but they hate the camera. Now I can blame THEM when they grow up and say "mom never took pictures of US...only Addie!" And you are the ONLY blog I've followed that has me looking FORWARD to my daughter getting over the age of five. The others just scare me. Thank you.
Nice photo you have there. Just yesterday i brought a new digicam. I am now practicing photo pacturing. Hopefully i will improve. natural anti aging
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