Hosted by Chris

Hosted by Cecily and Amy
Day 50
Something Sweet
February 19: These are not your run-of-the-mill candy hearts -- these came from a Twilight themed box that I got for my wife. So that "always" means a little something extra. The box was aimed at Team Edward, even though my wife is most definitely Team Jacob (she's also a diabetic, so why I went and got her candy is something of a mystery too...)
I just couldn't make myself put on the "U R My Life" heart.
Day 51
Body Parts
February 20: You can either do this, or you can't. It's genetic. How about you?
My kids didn't get much of an inheritance from me, but they did get this.
Day 52
Black and White (with a little something extra)
February 21: The completed Guitar/Decoupage Project. I won't say much, because I plan to post more extensively about it later.
By the way, can I call it something other than decoupage? It just sounds so....unmanly.
Day 53
Sky Shot
February 22: If some old school photographer ever tells you not to shoot directly into the sun, tell him to make like a tree, and get out of here.
In fact, never let anyone tell you what kind of picture you should take. People often ask me what makes a good picture. That's easy -- if you like it, it's a good picture. That's what I love about this medium -- especially digital photography -- you have so much latitude in your creativity. You can literally shoot until you get the picture that you want.
I've been asked to speak to a group about photography in April, and I'm mulling over what to say, so I'll ask you: What kinds of photography related topics would you like to hear about?
Day 54
February 23: I'm grateful for my Peeps. Everyone of you!
Day 55
Something I love
February 24: I'm on a bit of a cupcake binge right now, and I recently discovered this marvelous item.
What is Easy Frost you ask?
It is, quite simply, the greatest invention of the 21st century -- the natural evolution from Easy Cheese -- it's Aerosol Frosting.
I love technology.
I can hear Heidi mocking me.
Day 56
Something I hate
February 25: I hate cavities.
But they LOVE me.
A little business: Tell me how you're feeling about your various 365 Projects. I'd like to know about your successes and your frustrations.

I love your "If you like it, it's a good picture" attitude. A lot.
Jon and I are both completely tongue dumb. As a result, so are the kids. Sigh. All we can do is stick ours out around here.
We tested our curling abilities this past weekend - 4 tongue curlers in this household. Isn't it nice to know you can pass something on to your offspring?!
Can't do the tongue thing. Everyone in my family can, except for me. I used to say it was proof I was adopted, but I've come to the realization that I still look too much like all of them to ever keep that one going too long.
Mmmm cupcakes. Twice in one week even.
And I love me some peeps, especially the marshmallow variety. Heck candy of pretty much any variety.
I'm plugging away. This was an unmotivated week for me. My camera card is almost full and for some reason it's holding me back. I guess because I don't feel like I can keep pressing the button 50 times until I like what I see. So I need to make sure I drop these pictures off this weekend so I can declutter the camera. And in other news I missed my first picture. Ah well it was bound to happen at some point.
no one in our house can roll the tongue, and we feel pretty sad about it. LOL
love the pics...you had a bit of a sweet tooth this week, huh?
as for my project....I was in the groove, then got bored last week, and pulled myself together this week. I might have to go back to a theme for March. I just don't know.
Very sweet of your to get the Twilight hearts for Valentine's day! Love the Peeps shot too! Fridays are so fun! :)
We are all tongue curlers around here too. At least 5 of us anyway - I cannot get the 1 year old to participate!
I can roll my tounge.
Deco-art, that would be more manly. Sounds like something you'd find in a museum.
I'm recently diabetic--having a hard time giving up the sweets.
I can so hear heidi laughing with you, canned frosting for a quick party would make her day!
Really if you ever need a cake she's your girl.
Did you know she can't eat sugar? All those ooey gooey, a joy to sink your taste buds into cakes and she can't even taste them.
I'm having a good time with the photojournal. It's fun looking for one picture to represent my day. At the end of the year I'm going to make a shutterfly book--It will be a photo yearbook.
I sure snap a lot of throw aways though.
thanks for the encouragement.
Awesome shots. I liked the composition of each shot and that tongue twister, I have it in my genes too. :)
I found myself contorting my tongue! All of your pictures are fun, and your guitar is awesome. Wish I had a manly word for you, but I know my mind will be mulling over it. I have a fun little camera, a Cannon Powershot and I always use automatic. I wish I knew where to begin in taking something other than an auto shot...but I have no idea. I guess I could pull out the book, but that does not seem like much fun. :)
Okay I honestly had not seen your post when I took my picture for today... go check it out and yes you might be quite amused.
I first did the hot dog and was going to talk about it being hereditary.. but I took it up a step :)
Love your hate picture, very creative way to do it.
I am enjoy the 365 but already starting some days to feel like.. now what.. need to take a picture of something. At first I felt like it was a real reflection of our every day life.. and maybe since our every day life has been blah lately.. it has been more of a struggle.. but I am still going.
I LOVE all of your pictures this week, but the PEEPS spoke to me :)
(ok, you might think I'm mocking you, but I'm not. LOVE that photo!)
My kids also inherited that from me and the ability to do "spock hands".
I am loving my 365 project. Normally on my "regular blog" I just post the kids and I love being able to stretch the boundries (although I didn't go to far this week.)
Ya, well, my kids can stick their tongues up their noses. Oh, and so can I.
What group are you talking to? Very cool.
Oh, and maybe it's a good thing we don't live closer. I HEART cupcakes. They are my weakness. If I make a batch, I will eat the whole thing. Ask Pete. I saw that aerosol stuff while I was in UT and it hasn't hit the stores here yet. When it does, I'm in trouble.
Oh I'd love that easy frosting. (But not available here, I'm sure).
I can do the tongue thing.
Love the guitar picture.
And I think I am team Jacob too, although I love Alice.
That little peep sticking out? You've totally captured my middle son.
Who (thanks to you) will be sticking his tongue out all day looking incredibly funny and trying to get the "roll" right.
From his initial attempts, I'm pretty sure his "roll" gene is defective.
Craving sweets this week? :)
That easy frost looks very cool, I'll have to check it out.
I love the guitar, it looks like it turned out great. I can't wait to hear more.
I'm still snapping, but without my laptop I'm not sure when I'll get to post. I love the project, it's interesting to me how sometimes it's so obvious what I want to take a picture of and sometimes it's bedtime and I'm scrambling.
I love the attitude with Emma and that guitar. Can't wait to read more about it.
As for my project...I'm loving doing it, but wishing I could be a little more creative. Hopefully when the weather warms up I can do that. I'm almost to the end of when i started it last year, but I'm going to keep going.
Love the idea of taking the photo you want to and not worrying so much about the "rules". Tell the group you talk to that, for sure!
LOVRE THE PEEPS SHOT!! A-dorable. Great shots all around this week. I also love the hearts on cupcake.. very sweet. Literally!
haha! I love Twilight hearts. :)
I can roll my tongue!
That guitar picture is my favorite this week -- awesome!
Peeps!! Okay, I don't know if you saw this last year on my blog, but, I have to share... http://raisingdelia.blogspot.com/2009/04/peep-at-this.html
that guitar pose, ROCKS!
Great pictures! I can roll my tongue, too! Inherited genetics can create some very interesting conversation.
The guitar is awesome. I will enjoy hearing more.
And I totally agree with you, Chris. A picture is good if you like it!
I love the photo a day project! It will be worth every photo when, at the end of the year, I can look back, and know exactly what my year was like. And it's fun! Thanks for having me be a part of this!
I have three manly words for you: Mixed Media collage.
Can't wait to see close up results.
We can't be friends anymore....
I did really like your shot of the peeps. I've never heard that you aren't supposed to shoot at the sun I do it all the time, oops.
Sorry Decoupage is girly no matter what you call it.
So call it a sculpture, that can be masculine. :)
It looks great! And I love the way you have Emma holding it, she looks like she has some serious attitude!
Everyone in our house can curl their tongue, in fact my daughter could whistle at the age of 10 months, I was rather proud.
I want to take up a lot of space in your comment screen so I'm going to type a little more. :)
Just so we can be friends again, at least tell me that you didn't use JUST a cake mix...
I have a friend who can loop her tongue three times at one time (if that makes sense).
Very cool about speaking in April...are you a nervous public speaker?
I love cupcakes almost as much as I love Edward and Jacob. But that Easy Frosting...um, it does not sound good. I'll take the made from scratch fudge frosting please. ;)
I LOVE you pics!! Especially the candy one! And I must agree with your wife..I'm sooo team Jacob!!
I can roll my tongue too! :) and like my mom said I can also do "spock hands".
I love doing the 365 pics. I usually take pics everyday so this is good for me! :) Thank you ;)
What a great post! Twilight candy hearts! I would go crazy! Trying to relive my teenage years I guess. I was team Jacob until Breaking dawn but then I jumped teams. Love all of your photos and angles and loves.
Happy Friday!
Maybe this is too basic but if I were attending a photography talk, I would want to know about what the Av and Tv on my point and shoot camera are and how to make them work to my advantage :)
"Make like a tree, and get out of here" HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! That really made me laugh. hehehe
As for your speaking engagement, I really admire your eye. But I don't know if that is something you can teach. I also love how you frame your shots? And your use of natural light.
Aerosol frosting??? I've got to get some of that stuff!
Very cool you are going to be speaking about photography. I know I could use some tips from you. :)
I can curl my tongue and I think all my kids can do it.
I like you like it it's good attitude as well.... often I'm the only one who likes it and that's ok.
That is quite the pose you daughter has with the guitar .... like a rock star!
I love you sky shots.
and cavities love me as well. :(
mmm peeps, I'm a little upset with myself that I forgot to buy some more at the store today. I love 'em.
I agree if you like it, it is a great shot.
Frosting in a can??? My life just got that much more perfect! Can't wait to see more of the schfancy guitar... and your explanation as to why a guy decoupaged a guitar.
Hubby can't roll his tongue, but he can touch his nose with it. Weird, I think!
And, you are right, if you like it, push the button, if not, don't. Why are there so many critics and rule makers?
Decoupage? Can't think of a manly term for it...sorry.
Maybe you should find some sugar free team Jacob hearts for next year:)
I can curl my tongue....Sweeeet I can curl my tongue!!!
Love me some shots into the sun!!!!!!
Oh my. I need me some easy frost...
Great pictures, all of them!!!
Oh, and we can curl our tongues in this house!
I can roll my tongue. I can actually make a flower with my tongue, too!
I think I know the reason why you're getting cavities: February 19th, 23rd, 24th & 25th.
I've had a rough week, but I'm liking it. Although it's a struggle to take such a boring picture and try to find words to describe something I think is so darn boring, I have a feeling I'll look back on this year and remember almost every day like it was yesterday - and that's cool.
Tell us how to take pictures so they don't look crappy...without buying a $5,000 camera (please say there's a way!)
I seriously don't know how I missed linking up to you for week 8. How ridiculous am I?
I love the peeps picture, and yes I can do what we call the "taco tongue".
As for the project, there are days I love it and days where I just can't think of a thing to photograph. I do love that it makes me look at my world a bit more and I have taken some great pictures that I would not have otherwise!
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