31 Posts in 31 Days: #15
Day 190
He was eaten by an opportunistic bird shortly after this shot.
Sorry about that.
Day 191

My children participated in a bike parade tonight, and this little one was in the line up just ahead of them.
I'm sure she has no idea why her dad did this to her bike.
And yes, I'm pretty sure it was her dad.
Day 192

I've always loved the rockets' red glare.
In the Caribbean they call this "Painting the Sky" -- isn't that cool?
Day 193
And his cute girlfriend.
Being cute.
(They were trying to make a heart. I think they made a turnip).
Day 194

Day 195
These pork chops tasted almost as good as they looked.
(If you don't think they look good, just let me pretend. I'm fragile.)
Day 196
This is Emma; sun drenched and water logged.
I don't get to go swimming very often, and it was a lot of fun, I have just one complaint:
I realize it's the swimming pool, but some of the things people were wearing were down right frightening! Do these people have mirrors in their homes?
What ever happened to good old fashioned dignity?
Dignity? What's that? ha! It is amazing what some people wear, isn't it? And I think the pork chops look mouth-watering!!
That ear thing is still here----------->
I dug these pics more than any set this year.
Did you really get that pic of the fireworks? I need to know how you did it.....share oh Jedi master of photog.....
great pics. all of them. and dignity.....yeah....where did it go? everyone is walking around my town with their butt hangin out the top of their jeans. ugh.
Wonderful pictures, all.
And I'm glad you refrained from pointing your camera at the dignity-challenged swimmers. :)
A turnip...heh. Tastes like your shoe...ha. Dignity...what?
FABULOUS pictures Chris. Sorry haven't been around much. Jon's schedule might kill us both (17.5 hours in one day last week!).
haha! I've totally wanted to ask people if they ever look in a mirror! And that bike thing is just classic!
I am totally not a pork chop fan but those looked good!
Great pictures.
Go figure that the little guy is dinner after you "save" him. Oops.
And it is amazing...and not in a good way...what some people wear in public.
Great pictures!
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