Hosted by Cecily and Izzy 'N Emmy
I was meek, unassuming, and timid. I was not an adrenaline junkie. I was not a thrill seeker. I was perfectly happy to watch life from the sidelines.
Which is not to say that I did.
My best friend, Aaron, was the perfect compliment to me growing up. He brought the adventure, I brought the sanity. He was the reason we had fun, I was the reason we survived to tell about it. Yin and Yang.
I'm different as an adult. To say I live on the edge would be...well...a lie, but I don't shy away from thrilling experiences anymore.
When my first two kids came along, they were -- and still are -- just like I was as a child. Timid, cautious, careful.
But this one:
You say you'd like to make our country energy independent? Just hook the cables up to Emma, light up North America, and sell the excess energy to some other poor country.

Emma is perpetual motion. I don't think she's quite old enough to understand this yet, but adrenaline lights her up like a roman candle. She thrills to the thrills of life.
Emma has gone on more big amusement park rides at a far earlier age than the other kids -- or her father at that age, for that matter. In fact, when Emma decides to tackle a new ride, sometimes she'll ask "Where is the scariest place to sit on this ride?"

And then she sits there.
When I stopped and thought about it, I realized what a great way that is to live your life. If you face your biggest fear first, nothing else that comes afterward is as hard to deal with.
Why is this any different for a six year old than it is for a thirty-six year old?
That Emma. I like her. Are her favorite things fast and high too??
By the way, Gracie LOVES every one of the pictures in this post. Way more than pictures I take. Sigh.
So, what's your biggest fear then?
Emma looks like quite the spunky little girl. My daughter is that way too...I get comments regarding her boldness all the time. I, personally, go in phases, but am mostly a rule follower and a calculated person (much like my oldest son) but Melody is truly a free spirit.
Beautiful photos too...but I've come to expect that from you.
I always enjoy seeing your pictures!
Looks like there is never a dull moment at your house! :)Emma is one cute kid and her personality shines through in her pictures!
My son, Harrison, would love your girls. He's also been on roller coasters LONG before I ever was! he's only four - loves Space Mountain, splash mountain, big Thunder Mountain... see where I'm going with this? Me, I was more of a timid, quiet, conservative, Midwestern kid - but I wanted to be a hippie. True story.
You've caught so much energy in those shots. It is amazing how you are able to capture so well what makes your children unique.
Someday, I'll have to give it a try with my boys.
Good question! I have one daughter like that, too. I just don't get it!!
That is a great way to live life. I'll be 32 on Saturday. Maybe I could learn something from your thrill-seeking Emma.
In fact, I hope I do.
Great action packed pictures.
When I was a child I was very timid & stayed on the sidelines too.
Glad you & I managed to branch out a bit!
Ah to by young and free and fearless!
You always have some thought provoking words with your posts... enjoy dropping in and making me think for a minute or two.
If Emma could bottle up a little of that and send it my way, I could definitely use it!
Why is it that you can take a perfectly good bit of choas and turn it into a life lesson. Emma sounds like my kind of girl! I always loved the scary rides too. I glad you have someone to keep you on your toes!
If you'd like to stop by my blog I'm at Cake Crumbs.
I have one of those too. She is night and day with her half brother. I used to have a bit of that, but "sigh" I like safe things now.
Life scars us, that's why. And let's not forget our bodies fail us, too...
Kids fall on their butts (literally) all the time because they throw caution to the wind and just TRY stuff...and it doesn't hurt so they get right back up and try again. WE (older people), however, fall and we need to stay down there a little longer and recover...and get up REALLY slowly...and make a mental note never to try anything remotely like that, again. Period.
I really love the one with the swing,
great photo friday
I have a few Emmas at my house too. They're so great. Love the shots.
i'm with you. i'm certainly way more 'out there' than i was when i was younger. we learn fear - it's such a shame too!!! great shots - as always
She is my kind of girl! You got some great motion shots.
I was a bit of a wall flower when I was younger. I didn't pass that on to either of my kids.
Because now it costs more to fix me;)tehe.
So good to read your posts! This one makes me want to go play in the rain...wait we need some of that first don't we?!
I love her spunk. Emma can come hang out with us anytime. And I'd be happy to sit in the scariest spot of the roller coaster with her!
Awesome story and photos. I came by your blog through Photostory Friday and have had a lovely visit. PSF looks fun! I might give it a try next.
Could you possibly write a more beautiful tribute? And those pictures! I LOVE the one with the water shaking off her little energetic body. Brilliant again, Chris.
The picture of your hand reminds me of when my wife had a ganglion cyst on her wrist. Looked like a welt, but the doctor said it wasn't anything to worry about.
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