Hosted by Cecily and Emily
Losing your job: Frightening
Trying to make ends meet: Difficult
Wondering day after day when someone will call you back with an offer: Maddening
Trying to determine if you have what it takes: Heartburn inducing
Wondering what to do when you're not applying for employment -- housework or yard work: A toss-up
Facing the future: Uncertain, but cautiously optimistic
Having the time now to spend a few hours with your only son, to build a Pinewood Derby car, and to see the smile on his face when he wins it all: Priceless
Ahhhh. Some light in the dark. I love the positivity! Keep your head up.
Praying for you!
I'm so, so sorry. I can't even imagine. I'm really glad for the silver lining. Winning the Pinewood Derby is pretty awesome! Time spent together building memories? Even better.
Congrats! That's a tough award to win. Great action shots of the cars. Super cool.
And you said y'all weren't builders! That's awesome that he won! What a priceless moment.
This one brought me to tears...for so many reasons. I am sorry for your loss, but it seems to me your perspective is perfect! My son (and his father) won the Pine Derby once too. What a wonderful memory. A year later, we lost our son, but we are fortunate to have the memories to cherrish forever. Keep the faith!
There is always a silver lining. Your son will not remember you being unemployed, but he will remember the extra time you spent with him.
Way to go Dad!
Awesome. I did one of those when I was young ...not with the Scouts, of course. My dad and I built a car, painted it all black. I loved that thing and about two months ago I found it and took it home with me for my son to play with. He wasn't as interested as I hoped, but that's OK. It's my memories, not his. :-)
Rad. I'm with Michelle. THIS is what he'll remember about this fall. As well he should.
The first pic is my FAVORITE.
you lost your job? how'd i miss that? all the best. i'm sure something wonderful is just around the corner, and that trophy and all that it stands for IS priceless.
Time spent with growing kid, PRICELESS!
Great shots!
I hope things get better soon.
Ah the pinewood derby is definitely a friend maker between boy and dad.
Look on the bright side of things, now that you're not working, you'll have plenty of time to blog.
Just kidding. I hope you hear back from someone soon.
If you'd like to stop by my blog I'm at Cake Crumbs.
What a wonderful post. IT is this attitude that will see you through this difficult time. I fear many families are expreincing the same thing. I am so sorry it has befallen your family. I pray the Lord provides another job very quickly.
One never knows what a kiddo is thinking!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I love to meet new moms online!
We have had a lot of rain here and so a warm sunny day was just the ticket. Our son and dil brought the baby grand over in his Lion King costume. He was not crazy about the hood but we managed to get some good shots.
I like the pirate car, with the skull and crossbones on it! Congratulations on first place finish.
Tink *~*~*
There are blessings in adversity!
Congrats to him!
Prayers for your family.
Wow. On all fronts. Hugs and congrats both headed your way.
But you have the health to do housework and yardwork. THAT is a blessing.
where were you when we were building our cars and didn't know how to win? good job!
Great prospective. Blessings.
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