Hosted by Chris

Hosted by Cecily and Lolli
Okay, so this posting every day in the month of May isn't working out exactly as planned....
Day 126
May 7: I know I've said it before, but I love to photograph children from behind. I think it's the most natural pose for kids. After you become a parent, you spend the rest of your life watching your children go before you, into the unknown country and the land of adventure. The great promise of parenthood is that your children will go farther, and do more than you have done.
These are a couple of kids from a family that I photographed on Friday night. They're just as cute from the front, but having not asked permission, I didn't feel at liberty to send their faces out to the entire world (or at least my little corner of it).
Day 127
May 8: $5400
This is NOT what my wife got for Mother's Day.
A friend of a friend is selling her wedding ring, and needed pictures (sometimes I don't ask questions), but that's about the quickest I ever got around to taking pictures -- I did NOT want to keep that ring in my possession overnight.
Day 128
May 9: Guess who's ball was black.
It wasn't mine. Mine was green.
Notice there is no green ball in the picture.
Day 129
May 10: I just love my tulips, but I thought we needed a new perspective.
I take my flower pictures right after work, while I'm still dirty. That way I can roll around on the ground, and not feel too guilty about it.
Feeling conspicuous...well, that's a different story.
Day 130
May 11: Yep, I took a picture of my iPod.
It's come to that.
Do you ever come across a movie that just touches the right spot in your heart?
That's what Leap Year did to me. (A big part of that is Amy Adams -- I just love her. It's okay, my wife knows).
I am, and always have been, hopelessly and unashamedly romantic.
And, once in a while, you find a soundtrack that speaks to your soul as much as the movie itself.
Day 131
May 12: This was the best picture I took Wednesday.
I took pictures of my kids, and the sky, and some crayons, and my hairy legs, and the fence, and some bicycles.
And the fire hydrant that I nearly run over every day.
I'm not sure why I took this picture -- sometimes shapes and colors just catch my eye.
I'm not saying it's a good picture, I'm just saying it's the best one I took on Wednesday.
Day 132
May 13: It's hard to tell which one is the bigger goof, but we're certainly cut from the same cloth.
I've accepted that now.
(How about that double chin?!)
I really like your behind shots. I find myself taking behind shots of Melody quite a bit but it's usually because I like how the back of her dress looks! I know, I know, it's a girl thing.
I've never seen that movie. But I'm also not really a chick flick person.
And does Emma ever have a bad expression on her face? She always just looks either so sweet or so mischievous (which is adorable to me, since she's not my child.)
ooooo fun set.
you know I'm a sucker for behind shots....yes BEHIND shots....AND shots from behind. :)
Digging the ring shot.
Great perspective on the crochett (how do you spell that?) and Flower shots.
the hydrant is lovely....and you can never have too many shots of your children and yourself.
I love that picture of the hydrant. It is fantastic. Say it is good. Be proud. You are an awesome photographer. Sometimes I go to blogs and the people are all like 'I don't know if it is good or not, yadda, yadda, yadda' and I want to punch them. Well, maybe not punch, but it is annoying.
We all know when we take a good picture. We might not think we are super star photographers. We might not think we are the next big thing, but we do know that we can take a good picture at least once in a while! And if we love it, well, chances are, someone else will love it too!
This wasn't really about you at all. This was about all the people that take good pictures that don't own it : )
Now on the other hand, you might really be unsure if you actually like it. I took a picture of a pineapple chunk this week that I thought was pretty stupid. People freakin' loved it. It blew my mind : )
I better go since I am rambling like a lunatic tonight! : ) Have a great Friday Chris.
I love the picture of you and your daughter. So sweet.
hmmm . . . emily likes shots of your behind. Maybe next week you'll include a few :P
The tulip shot was my favorite this week. sometimes a different perspective has a way of making things look better :)
I totally dig the hydrant picture. Like print it and frame it dig it. Seriously.
Oh, and of course I won't hate you if you swiped the shin guard shot idea. I'd be flattered.
Glad I'm not the only one who has a double chin when i take self-portraits. LOL
I LOVE the hydrant photo. the color is great :)
Now I'm intrigued about that ring... not sure if i would rather hear the marriage is over or if they are having financial troubles.... maybe she got a bigger & better ring!
Leap Year, huh? Yet another movie that I need to see, and honestly, I have never heard of it. It takes a long time for us to hear about movies over here, mostly cause I don't pay attention. I just finally started glee last night!
My fave is the first shot. It's like a signature "Chris" shot. As long as I've known you, those have always been the mostest awesomest of your photos.
I love that croquet one and the kids from behind - beautiful.
Day 126 made me tear up. I am such a sap. So sweet!
Day 128 is awesome. It is a really cool capture.
I love the perspective of your tulips, and I am jealous that I don't have any. ;)
I really want to watch Leap Year! Now I must.
132 is my favorite. Dads/daughters make me smile so much!
And the fire hydrant is cool -- love the color contrast.
That behind shot is just stunning. I attempt them and fail miserably!
The ring is beautiful...what ever the story, I bet they get what they asked for it.
Maybe I can convince my hubby to see Leap Year.
I love the hydrant shot...stop being so critical!
Love the last one, too...goofs and all.
I always love the perspective and angles you shoot from, just as much as the words you use to describe them.
I am definitely going to take more shots from behind now!
That tulip shot is GENIUS! It looks like they have a light inside them. Gorgeous!!
And thank you for reminding me to shoot from behind. I love those photos!
well, I love the tulips most..
That tulip shot is awesome. And thanks for the movie recommendation. Maybe my hubby will like it too. You are so funny - "it's okay, my wife knows." haha!
I love your pictures. I love to photograph people from behind as well. It tells a story. I love the perspective on the tulips.
I loved Leap Year too. The world needs more pure fun movies.
Very nice photos! Photos from behind are almost the only way I can takw them of my daughter right now with out a "funny face"
Had to laugh at your comment about shooting your iPod. I am in such a creative slump right now.
Love the tulips, they look unreal.
And the double chin....I am convinced that the only people who can take really good at arms length shots are teenage girls. So don't feel bad. :)
Shazam, that is a nice ring... and uh, nice chin, dude...
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