Hosted by Cecily and Carissa
You know the kind. Every negative seems magnified, every day seems endless.
I won't bore you with the details, let's just say I've spent a lot of time worrying about things that really are not worth worrying about.
I've mentioned before that Thoreau can drive me up a wall, but the problem is sometimes he just explains things so darn succinctly:
"The cost of a thing is the amount of what I will call life, which is required to be exchanged for it, immediately or in the long run."
This week I've exchanged far more life on certain things than they were worth.
After I took some ibuprofen, and brought my blood pressure back down, I found plenty of things that are worth every breath of my life:


And, of course, this:
Amen. I think we led pretty similar lives this week. TGIF. And TGFT (Thank goodness for Tylenol). :-) Have a fantabulous weekend!
It is amazing how our children (& in my case grandchildren) can help to bring us into a more positive frame of mind.
Hope the next week will be better for you!
Nuts in May
Oi, sometimes we just get those really tough weeks. I hope next wek will be heaps better. Love the last picture.
But we ALL know the reason your BP was up and you had to take a tylenol was BECAUSE of the kids....
You're not fooling anyone.
For people who don't know me and know you and know us, I can seem like a jerk sometimes.
I always realize how extremely blessed I am after I take the time to count my blessings. I need to take the time more gets in the way sometimes.
I hope your next week is better.
I think something must be going around. :) You are right though. I don't know what I'd do without my kids. No matter how crazy life is, they can always make me smile and put things back into perspective...even if they were the ones driving me crazy in the first place. haha :)
The reason that I find Thoreau tedious to read is becuase he speaks in quotes and not much more. But his quotes by themselves are so inspiring!
Keep your chin up and keep your focus on the things that are really important. It must be something in the weather, everyone seemed to have the same kind of week!
If you'd like to stop by my blog I'm at Cake Crumbs.
We ARE on the same wavelength...and I think I had the same's hoping BOTH our weekends are better.
Glad you got some perspective. I hate when I loose mine too..
I had (am having) a similar week as well. *sighs*
Thank goodness for a wonderful family to come home to. :)
A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone.
~Henry David Thoreau
looks to me you know what is really important.
Well said my friend. I hope next week is better. Refresh this weekend. :) *hugs*
Love the family photo too!
aw, so sweet! and of course, VERY well said.
what a beautiful life--here's to hoping you don't have to trade it for any more icky next week:)
i want to sit on that rock too!
I had one of those weekends myself. Can I just say that family photos stress me out?! It's hard when you have little ones. At least I have hope that one day mine will sit still and smile... at the same time!
WHAT A GREAT FAMILY PHOTO ON THE ROCK! Your camera was smiling! (Hear you on the tough weeks...makes me think I'm not alone...I'm not alone!)
Beautiful. Could you just do one really awful post so that I could sound like I have a bigger vocabulary please?
Life tries to take you down but you gotta keep on keeping on! Beautiful family! I LOVE the mid air shot... very cool!
I hope this week has been treating you better. Nothing like your kiddos & wife to put things in perspective.
Family makes everything worth while.
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