Hosted by Cecily and Kelli
And by "funny" I mean twisted and outrageous and very decidedly NOT funny.
Actually, that's not what I mean at all -- because life is sweet and beautiful and stunning and so amazing that it leaves you breathless.
Hmmmm.....maybe it's both.
Life is hard and soft, and it's hot and cold. Life is the light and it is the darkness. Life, like photography, is all about contrast. It's about how the light shines on us and where the shadows fall. Contrast is the texture of our lives.

I lost my job this week. Well, to be precise, I will no longer have a job after next week. I don't know what I'm going to do. I've had a headache for days. I worry about all the things you imagine I would -- income, insurance, my mortgage, the lack of jobs, my lack of employable skills, and on and on. It threatens to engulf me in the shadows....but it happened this week.

In Utah, this is the most beautiful week of the year. This is the week that Autumn is in full bloom. The scarlet and the lemon, the rust and the green, blaze down the mountain sides and into the valleys, like a patchwork quilt of magnificent decay. The weather is still warm enough to stroll through the neighborhoods in a light jacket, and the leaves have not yet fallen from the trees. This year the colors seem more vibrant than normal, and the light of the afternoon Autumn sun warms my face and penetrates through the darkness.
The contrast of these two events puts my life into perspective. The very existence of shadows is evidence of the strength of the light.
Chris I am SO sorry about your job. I wish I had a magic solution for you (I do know a little about unemployment though, so if you need some info, let me know). We've been there (and will be there again when the season is up and Jon loses his again too) and it is NO fun. We'll keep your family in our prayers.
As for the photo part of your post, beautiful as usual. My favorite is the one of the street. THAT'S the way fall is supposed to look for me. Warming the street even though the weather is getting cooler.
Chris! How did this happen? I am so sorry! You need to email me!
And I am with Cec.. the street one is my favorite. Something about a street lined with trees makes me feel so comfortable. It's what I imagine when I think of fall.
Seriously, email me. Or I am calling you (that sounds like a threat, huh?)!
I'm still praying Chris. I can't even imagine the stress you're under, but again, I'm impressed that you can see beyond the present and see the beauty around you.
I am so sorry about your job, Chris. I sincerely hope that something will come your way very soon.
There is both beauty and sadness in your post this week.
You certainly live in a beautiful place.
Nuts in May
"It's about how the light shines on us and where the shadows fall. Contrast is the texture of our lives."
Love this part. So sorry about your job. We have been through this a couple of times recently, and it's never easy. But you know, we have never been more appreciative of family and what we do have until that happened either. A trade off I guess.
I'm hoping the best for you and I'll be praying that you find something else soon...
Oh Chris, I'm so sorry.
I'm praying that God takes this and turns it into something positive and wonderful. Maybe something you only dreamed of. Praying.
So sorry to hear about your job. I'll be praying for your family. My family went through unemployment earlier this year, so I can sympathize with you. Autumn is a time of change and maybe, while this is a scary change, it will yield positive results in your life.
BTW, I love the beautiful fall colors...we are still in the very beginning stages of fall here....
Chris, I am SO sorry about getting laid off. That is awful. :( I fear the same thing may happen to me eventually, and I carry all the benefits, insurance, etc. as well. Ugh.
I hope the beauty of fall keeps your spirits up. I wish you much luck and strength in your search for answers and a new job!
I'm sorry you lost your job! That sucks big time! Have faith though, something will turn up. (Easy for me to say, right?)
I'll be praying for you too...
Beautiful pictures as usual. I love Autumn! It's my favorite! You have captured it fantastically!
Chris...I'm really sorry to hear that you have lost your job. I know you are feeling down and worried, but any man who can write like you and take incredible pictures has talent.
That talent won't be wasted in the unemployment line!
Good luck my bloggy friend. Something better is on your horizon.
As always, your pictures are breath taking.
a door closes--a door opens. It's the road in between the two that's pretty rough. Good luck on the search. Fall in Utah is in full "bloom" and lookin' pretty fine. Though this morning when I looked out the tree in back had dropped all it's leaves.
I am so sorry about the job. That really sucks. Did they lay you off? What a good? week for it to happen...sort of...maybe? Or not.
Hang in there.
The photos are gorgeous. Could you take photos on the side?
I'm with Michelle, Chris. Get your small business going. You've got a lot of talent most dream of. I sent you a book, read it. Maybe you'll get an idea or two. I'm sure there are few people who know your talent that wouldn't support that decision and spread the word about your photography and writing skills.
Oh Chris, I'm so sorry to read about this. It must be really scary for you. I'm sending my best thoughts and wishes your way. Maybe now you can start your photography business! You know that one door closes, another opens thing.
This too shall pass, my friend.
Holy cow, I'm so sorry to hear about your job. Hopefully unseen doors will open for you. Hang in there...
Jeff and I saw you walking the streets taking these shots the other day. Great work!
Like everyone else I am so sorry that you have lost your job. Life really does have its shadows. And sometimes those shadows can be very long.
If you are willing to comute clear down to Price, my husband is desperate for workers. But with gas prices the way that they are I'm not so sure the just over minimum wage job would be worth the comute through the canyon.
I hope that you will soon find something that will keep you and your family happy.
Beautiful post- remember the light is the stronger of the two. I love how that one lone pine stands out around all the other whatever you call them, the kind that lose their leaves this time of year. (It's late, gimme a break!)and I certainly hope you find a job again soon!
Oh no! I'm so sorry. We went through this past year with my husband's job. It is scary. Your post really captures a lot of the feelings we went through too. Still, the light does break through. It may take a little longer than you'd like it to, but it will break through.
Good luck to you with all this. Keep us posted.
HEY FRIEND!!!!!!!!
MISS YOU!!!!!!!!
your fall pics are SAAAAweeeeeeet!!
When God closes a door.....somewhere he opens a window.
We are praying...ALL of us are.
oh my word...your photos are certainly a contrast to your words. WOW! I feel awful even pointing out how much I love your photos this week, when you are obviously in a state of need.
I will be sending prayers.
OM Gosh! I hope and pray that something will come up and you will be employed again soon. Wish I had read your post before I went to the temple on Sat.... will keep your family in my prayers.
Your photos are stunning as usual.
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