Hosted by Cecily and Carissa
(Forgive me if I'm looking at things a little philosophically these days. When you're stuck vacillating between debilitating pessimism and cautious optimism, philosophy keeps you sane.)
I recently discovered the wonders of Photoshop Light Room 2.
A few nights ago, as I sat in front of my computer, ruminating about the uncertain future and playing with a throw away image from a bridal shoot I did last Fall, I had a revelation. Of sorts.
When I took this picture, I imagined it totally different than the way it turned out. But it was born in adversity -- I shot it in the dark, without a flash and at a VERY high ISO. These are not ideal circumstances, and really this shot had very little chance of succeeding.
But, then I started giving it a little more attention. I found its strengths and I enhanced them. I nurtured it, I softened the edges and listened to the story it had to tell.
When is the last time you listened to a photograph?

It's still the same picture -- the information recorded on the SD card is the same. It was all there, it just needed to be coaxed out. It needed to be believed in. It needed someone to come along with the tools and the time to help it become what it was meant to be. The photo overcame it's circumstances, and became the picture that I knew it was supposed to be.
There's a lesson here somewhere...
(I told you I was in a philosophical mood)
What is this job loss going to coax out of you?
I try to never give up on half baked photo's....they always seem to have something to offer when looked at in a different light.
You have a great talent needs to be coaxed out and it needs to set up its own webpage and start booking some sessions, too.
Just a thought. :-)
I couldn't survive without Lightroom 2. It's awesome!! And so is this photo and everything it speaks. Fabulous job!
I've been worried about you. I hope things are getting better. *hugs*
dude....could you be any cooler? seriously? GREAT post!
Are you in my head? I just had a discussion with my BFF about how I feel guilty deleting any picture. But that's not the philosopher in me, that's the closet hoarder I think.
I'm glad you believed in that photo. It was certainly worth it.
You're flipping rad, you know that? That shot is beautiful. AND I totally agree with Lindsay. Coax and book. :)
I think you have always been philosophical.
wow. They are both really amazing. Thanks for the reminder to look within instead of trying to make the circumstances "perfect."
It's good to wax philosophical. Hope you have a good day!
Well, I hope you overcome the darkness that you're in right now. (Did I figure it out?) I know that you're going through a difficult time and that today will probably be especially difficult. As I've said before, I've been there. All I can do is offer you and your family my prayers...
I love that photo! So much for a throw away. ;)
I think you've always been philisophical too, as latree said.
Photoshop can work wonders.
You can too! I agree with Lindsay. :)
You coax out a beautiful shot.
This time in your life will coax beauty out of ashes. I feel that it will. You have a bright future. . .in whatever you choose to do.
I agree with Lindsay and Michelle. You have talent and you will find your place after some coaxing.
BTW the picture looks great.... I could see it's potential there in the original but when you teased it and forced it to shine then everyone could enjoy it as well.
Every time we do family pictures I feel like I have to coax a good photo out of what I captured... hehe!
Stunning photo and very inspiring thoughts. Our family prayers are with your family Chris!
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