Thursday, December 11, 2008

Photostory Friday: It must be Italian!

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

One full size mannequin leg, bought on ebay: $40 + $10 shipping

One pair of fishnet stockings, purchased from Target (they are fishnets, but it's hard to tell from the picture): $7

One do-it-yourself lamp kit, from Home Depot: $9

One lamp shade from Target: $15

One four inch brass vase cap, purchased from The Lamp Company: $3

One tube of five minute epoxy: $3

Six feet of black fringe lace, from JoAnn's fabric store: $8

One wooden plaque for a base, from Michael's: $8

One clandestine trip to the Blue Boutique -- the only place in town (this is Salt Lake, people) that sells a woman's black, patent leather, size 6 pump, with a five inch heel (they wouldn't sell me just one): $40

The soft glow of electric sex, gleaming in MY window: Priceless!


Steph said...

That is so cool!

latree said...

too scary for me, reminds me of a mutilation murder that's just happen few months ago... :(

Alex @ I'm the Mom said...

lol that's WICKED! Totally reminds me of the lamp from A Christmas Story.

Val said...

OUCH I didn't realize that was such an expensive hobby.

scrappysue said...

expensive, random, one of a kind - and BRILLIANT!!! i love the way it looks like it wants to start walking!

Anonymous said...

$143, Oh my gosh! But oh how I covet your lamp. *L* I saw this nightlight version the other day here. Love them both.

tammi said...

"Electric sex"... haha, I seriously laughed out loud! Chris, I always look forward to your posts and I was not disappointed. You're very crafty!

Aly @ Lip Zip said...

Yes, yes, yes! That is my favorite part of the movie. Fra-Geelee!! :o)

Pam Emmons said...

We've gotta fix ours!

Lindsay said...

That's too funny that you went through all that trouble to get a leg lamp!

Bren said...

I don't know what's funnier..."electric sex" or "It must be Italian!" That lamp is freakin' fantastic!

A Crafty Mom said...

SO cool - I love it!! How neat is that - what a fun idea.

david mcmahon said...

You're a legend - I mean, leg end. What a great result!

Anonymous said...

too funny!

Indrani said...

So well presented! :)
Till i scrolled down I was not sure what it was all about.

Lorina said...

You're too funny! Very nice.. I actually really like it, in creepy sort of way.

larkswing said...

very fun post! too cute!

tiarastantrums said...

well, who's been a naughty little boy . . .

Debbie in CA : ) said...

Wellllllllllll . . . ummmmmmmmmmm . . . don't really have the room for it, but it sure looks interesting right where it is. (A bit too rich for my pocketbook anyway.) : )

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

I LOVE IT!! I am going to show my hubby this tomorrow...we are HUGE Christmas Story fans!! Actually...I probably shouldn't show him...I don't want to give him any ideas!!

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

haha, i love it! hello christmas story lamp :)

Corey~living and loving said...

tee hee...thanks for the giggles. :) I needed them.
Happy PSF!

Cecilia said...

That's so creative! Electric sex????
You crack me up! Thanks for the laugh!

PS-Sorry I didn't have mine posted when you stoped by. Come back to see the real PSF if you can.

Sandi McBride said...

I guess that was a great prize after all! Who knew? Well, now we all know, don't we? Thanks for the update. Over from David's. And congratulations on Post of the Day mention!

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

Fantastic!! You must be so proud to have created that! I think it looks great and I am impressed by all the hard work it must have been!

What does the wife say? Does she digg it? Oh and can you see it from the road?

Kat said...

Hahaha!!!! That is hilarious!

Aaron said...

We put mine up in the office, people complained...thought it was too risque'....uncultured swine.

I let my cousin borrow it last year for a bishopric party, I still need to get it back.

Straight to Your Hart said...

Just don't put your tongue to it!! Sorry..just loved the last line...electric sex. Great job.

BTW there is a shop on state street, just south of downtown..not that I have been there..just driving pushed in..I'll just shut up now!! giggle

Maggie May said...

Blimey! That is something different!

echoeve said...

since you had to buy both shoes you should have made two lamps and sold one on ebay,or give it as a wonderful christmas present.

Jenners said...

Oh My God...this is SO FUNNY! My husband is in love with The Christmas Story and I've been looking for some kind of version of this lamp for him but it NEVER occured to me to make one myself. Now that I have the instructions though...

This is CLASSIC!
It came out great!

Thanks for stopping by!

SalGal said...

You know, there's probably a market out there for these.... ;)

Unknown said...

That looks great! My parents made one for my uncle back in the 70s, and it got passed back and forth for many years, I think it's still in my parents' basement. :)

Michelle said...

You weren't kidding about the leg lamp! LOL! You have two shoes, I think that calls for another lamp!

CC said...


Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

Is this a bad time to tell you my local Rite Aid has these for sale?

imbeingheldhostage said...

YOU DID NOT! Tell Sharon I have an extra room (the real one, not your alter-ego one).
Next friday isn't going to be a photo with some poor child's tongue stuck to as pole is it?
Hey, the other day you'll never guess who they mentioned on the radio (no, not you silly)-- they had on the great great grandson of Dickens!!

tommie said...

That is hilarios! My husband tried to buy one of those FRAGILE lamps a couple of years ago.

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

That is SO funny! I knew from the first line what you'd made! :D

Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

Oh my goodness...I LOVE IT!!
Not to mention that we watch the movie every Christmas-our tradition...but thats just great!!
Way to go!

MomOf4 said...

How very creative! And it turned out so nicely!

Anonymous said...

This is hysterical not to mention expensive.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...!!!!

So sexy and yet a little silly, too! I hope you don't cause any accidents on your street.

Gina said...

Clever. Whadda man.

Shellie said...

I knew exactly where this was going by the fishnet stockings. Just don't shoot your eye out this Christmas. Too funny!

Susan said...

Hilarious!!! I am sure your wife is loving that.

stefanie said...

Did you really put it in the front window? Really?

Did it get mysteriously broken while your wife was watering the plants?

I am not showing this to my husband, as he will want one to display year round...