Hosted by Cecily and Angie
Emma is my straight shooter.
Emma is all about results.
For instance: when cleaning her room (after all the whining, and stalling; when she accepts the unalterable reality that she WILL be cleaning her room) Emma does a much quicker and better job than her older brother and sister. She understands that results are what matter.

Another instance: when she's upset with her older brother, Emma knows just where to kick him to get the best results. She sees no reason for preliminary ritual, she solves the problem, and moves on.

(We're working on this problem, and hopefully we have it conquered and we'll be able to carry on the family name through my one, and only, son. Incidentally Emma would have a simple solution too -- just tell Matt to stop making her mad. Problem solved).
My other children are passive. They absorb life, and go with the flow. Emma chases life down, kicks it where she'll get the best results, takes it's lunch money, and follows it home to ask its mother for a cookie.
As you can guess, she speaks her mind, blunt and to the point -- no matter who she's talking to:
Sunday was my 37th birthday, and that evening I was laying on Emma's bed with her, trying to figure out how old I would be, when she turned 37 (my basic math is going with my age)...

Me: Let's see Emma, when you turn thirty-seven, I'll be...........
Emma: Dead.
(Actually 68, thank you very much!)
ha ha ha about that last line. Emma is absolutely beautiful! Really enjoyed this post!
great photos of her...nice blunt honesty!
bwahahahaha! She has got some spunk! I bet life is never dull with her around. What a cutie.
HOLY wow. That last pic is really fab. Plus I like the b&w hair one too...
I LOVE her personality btw. She'll need all that oomph when she grows up!
she'll keep you young (or give you gray hair)
At the rate you are WILL be dead....she will kill you.
Do you remember those pics with her and the pumpkin from last year?
Nice. Go Emma.
It's funny Aaron mentioned the pumpkin picture from last year... I was just thinking about that. That may be one of my favorite Emma pictures.
That last line was soooooo funny!
Beautiful child, that Emma! She will go far, with that attitude too!
Nuts in May
what a brave beautiful girl!
Emma is a doll! Teenage boys better be prepared for her some day!
ha ha ha! I love it! That is such a great and honest answer! Kids keep us humble! :)
:D sweet kid!
I really like the shot with her face half concealed..... shows that personality.
Your Emma sounds a lot like my 1st daughter - I always say she stomps through her life on a mission but only she knows what it is - but I think I'm going to swipe your explanation - I like it better!
That Emma is a smart little girl! And what a crack up!
She's a beautiful girl!
And happy birthday old man!
If you'd like to stop by my blog I'm at Cake Crumbs.
Holy crap. . . she is indeed blunt. Wow. I winced for you.
hahaha...way to give it to ya straight. She's a beauty. Great shots.
haha.... you are like, ancient.... although, you are a year younger than me, so I guess that makes me ancient, too. Happy belated birthday.
Loving the post (Dead)LOL!! You're daughter is beautiful - her hair, her smile. She is a treasure (I have 2 boys so little girls are special to me). But what I like the most is that she has a personality and that in my world makes for a perfect kid! Well close to perfect (68!! You old gizzard)
WOW, those pictures are simply BeaUTiFul! WOW. Oh, and she is one smart cookie! Happy Birthday--here's to at least 30 more;)
OUCH! That hurts, doesn't it?
At least you are older than me. I remember when people in their thirties seemed SO OLD. Now I am one of them!
ROTFL - seriously hilarious. I love the relationship you have with your kids - and that you KNOW them SO well. You're a great dad.
That last line really had me laughing!
I loved all of the pictures of Emma, but the mad face and the pointing picture both cracked me up!
Lol! She's funny. Great pictures, too!
She is awesome and beautiful. :)
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