Hosted by Cecily and Michelle
Day 15
January 15: My first reaction, when I see an empty watercolor tray, is delight. My littlest is full of life, and she paints in broad strokes and bright colors.
My second reaction is resignation. She painted on every piece of paper in the printer.
Day 16
January 16: Bleak midwinter. Sometimes beauty is so subtle that you have to look long and hard to find it. I stomped around in the weeds and snow for a good hour, trying to find a way to make this landscape beautiful.
Day 17
January 17: The Star of Bethlehem? No, just the street light, in our cul-de-sac. I was actually trying some creative photography, that didn't quite work out. That ghostly blue stuff is the lights flashing from the wheels of my son's Ripstick. I was going for light streaks. I laid on the cold pavement for a good half hour.
Day 18
January 19: Lines always grab my attention, and I see these power lines on my way home from work every night, but I've never been able to figure out how to shoot them (while going 60 mph). Monday, the clouds and the sky showed me the way.
Day 19
January 19: Self Portrait.
This is my newest identity -- at least temporarily. I began working this week for a company that makes drill bits for miners and geologists -- VERY BIG DRILL BITS.
It is a noisy, dirty job. Very dirty. I am no longer just a carbon based life form, I'm also a carbon COVERED life form.
Day 20
January 20: A twenty-one mile round trip. Such is my movie theater popcorn mania. It's worth every mile. (Incidentally, I just get the popcorn and go home -- who can afford to go to a movie these days?)
Day 21
January 21: I've been eating a LOT of chocolate lately. Truthfully, I've been eating more Raisinettes than Peanut M&M's, but Raisinettes look like rabbit droppings.

Hosted by Chris

Aaah, live on the edge. The peanut m&m's are pretty. But I would have enjoyed seeing you make chocolate covered raisins into a work of art! Lol!
Great pictures, all, as always.
Your pictures are incredible. I LOVE the lines. Mmm, now I want peanut M&Ms.
So, what movies do you recommend?
I just LOVE the watercolor tray.. the angle, the colors, everything about it! And I like the cul-de-sac starburst, very cool!
I'm linked! Or at least I hope!
I have been eating too much chocolate too... but didn't think to photograph it! Silly me!
I too have been feeling a bit of the "bleak midwinter" here in Utah. The rain and light snows have been a welcome change!
My favorite is the sky in day 18, but they are all great photos.
thank you for sharing
The paint box and the sky are my faves. The paint because it's so familiar (ALL of it) and the sky because I love it when colors that seem like they shouldn't happen in nature (IE the blue, BLUE sky) show up there anyway.
That lines shot is a cool one, that's for sure.
I try for different angles, etc. for photos and often find myself laying on the pavement to get it too! I can see it at least partially panned out for you!
Hey, Chris...your days are off a bit. It's on Jan. 21. I thought I should let you know. I'm only telling you because I've been sick all week and it seriously threw me for a loop. I really thought I was the one who was messed up and almost called my husband to be sure I hadn't slept through three days. :-)
M&Ms and popcorn go together really well.
How could you stand lying on cold pavement? Brrr. Just thinking about that makes me want some hot chocolate.
That's too funny that you drive all that way to get the popcorn and don't see a movie. Haha!
Love the lines! I think that's my favorite of the week.
You never cease to amaze me. We had such beautiful frost on the trees the other day an I regret not capturing it. I'll take the M&Ms any day over raisinettes.
What colorful shots you had this week. Love the night shot of the theater.
I love all the colors. Especially the m&ms....yummmmmmmmmmmmmmm....m&ms....
Now I have to go find some....
Your comments on your pictures makes me laugh! Good call on the M&M picture instead. :)
Beautiful pictures.. and man you went through some torture for some of those pictures! But it was worth it.
That's my problem in finding just the right shot... I don't spend enough time laying on the cold ground or tromping through the weeds looking for it. Hmmm....
I love how you turn every-day things into beautiful artwork. Thanks for sharing!
Congratulations on the job--it's nice to have a bit of money coming in.
Love all the creativity in this weeks shots.
I love that first shot - stunning. And funny enough, here you can almost spend more on popcorn than on a movie. My pics for this week are all spread out.
Thanks for visiting! Great photos. You photo of the winter landscape reminds me of one i took last week but really was quite beautiful at the time...all our trees were covered in crystals - I've got a few ready to post for tomorrow - you should stop by and see them!
The Tinseltown pic makes me miss home.
My fave is the sky. It's so flippin bright!
Siebencen-auchtcen! (I KNOW I spelled that wrong)
I hear you on the disappearing printer paper. My boys are quite the "artists" and theer's paper everywhere.
These are all great but I love the candy. I'm going to have to try that (taking a pic like that I mean...)
Amazing! I love the watercolors and winter landscape especially. Did you have fog that day that you photographed the landscape? We have had quite a few days where our trees looked similar due to fog.
That winter picture is gorgeous, although I am SO ready for summer now.
And I am eating a ton of chocolate lately too. ;)
Day 15: yikes! I hear ya!
Day 16: you definitely found the beauty. you have an eye for beauty.
Day 17: awesome. that you laid on the ground for an hour. that's awesome. I do that too.
Day 18: what lens did you use for this? it's amazing!
It sounds like you had a nice week.
I really like the night street shot, like how the street light looks and the cool blue caused by the ripstick.
Oh these are GREAT!! Love the watercolor tray pic! : )
rabbit droppings...haha! I will never look at Raisinettes the same again.
Lovely pictures... as usual.
I especially love the M&M's....mmmmm....
I love the power lines picture. wow!
And, you should get a picture of you as the carbon covered life form a la Mike Rowe on Dirty Jobs.
I am always in awe of your photos. I just love the sky shots!
He, he. One year for Christmas I got the best white elephant gift ever. It said "homemade rasinettes" when I opened it I found fresh rabbit droppings. It was great!
I love the way you shot the powerlines against the blush in the sky. And you are so dedicated, you actually laid on the cold wet asphalt for an half hour trying to get that shot? Don't get me wrong, it's pretty fantastic, but I'm a whimp, and I get cold easy.
Love the winter landscape, I'd say it was worth the hour trapsing around in the wet snow.
CONGRATULATIONS! on the job. I am so glad to hear that you've found something!
Mine's finally up, sorry I'm a bit late this week!
LOVE the photos, but I think I love your comments about them even more :)
My favorite.... the snowy scenery. very pretty.
Me to is doing 365 photos,
love the pics. love love love each and every one. Especially the first one.
thanks for hooking me up.
There's so much to love here! I love the paints and your little artist's creativity to need every paper! lol Your new job sounds interesting and I love that self-portrait. :) Keep those m&ms away from me!
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