Hosted by Cecily and Carrie
Last year, my photo week ended on Wednesday, at which point I would then post my pictures. This year -- years being the way they are -- my week ends on Thursday, which coincides with Photostory Friday (or, as I like to call it "Photostory Thursday Night"). So, rather than overwhelm you with inanity and dull wit for eight stories, I've chosen to combine the two projects (for now, anyway) and only subject you to seven.
You'll thank me for this.
So, without further ado, I present:
2010: Week 1
Day 1
January 1: (It's so easy to keep track of the days, early on...)
Matthew received a magic set for Christmas, and it turned out he was amazingly adept at card tricks. It took me several astonishing rounds before I realized that every card I drew from the deck was the five of hearts.
That's one of those great life lessons: when you can't count on luck, make sure the deck is stacked in your favor.
Day 2
January 2: Matt and the coveted Ripstick.
Matthew surprisingly took to this two wheeled menace like a fish to water.
His father didn't fare so well -- but it's his blog and you can't make him post those pictures.
Day 3
January 3: My faithful old piano -- the first thing I ever bought on credit. It's been moved more than any piano ought to be, and I have no real loyalty to it (I'd trade up for a baby grand in a heartbeat). But, it's built like a tank, and the scars give it character.
After I bought it, I thought "You know, it's nice to put things on, but you should really learn to play it."
So, I taught myself. I would not recommend this method.
I thought about dusting it, but then I didn't -- just keeping it real.
Day 4
January 4: It wasn't my fault.
I mean it was, I'm the one who did it, but what I did should not have resulted in this.
My wife collects snow globes, and as our expenses have risen, the size of the globes has considerably shrunk. She purchased several mini globes last year, when we were at Disneyland, this one with the Mickey ears among them.
All I did was touch the ear, and it fell off, and all the water fell out.
I swear that is EXACTLY how it happened!
Day 5
January 5: 11:49 pm
And I wonder why I'm having these weird dreams lately...
Day 6
January 6: Self portrait -- me and my gyroscope.
This is the hardest shot I've worked for in a LONG time (and I still didn't get just what I wanted).
Do you know how hard it is to set the camera on self timer, spin the gyroscope, get it balanced on your finger, and then try to stay in the picture, and in focus?
About 220 shots worth, that's how hard.
Day 7
January 7: Now you didn't think I'd go an entire week without shooting Emma (I mean photographing Emma), did you?
We got the new Toy Story Mania game for our Wii this Christmas. It has a 3D feature on several of the boards, and came with two pairs of those cardboard 3D glasses.
Well, you can guess how long the lifespan on those glasses would be -- so I got everyone in the family their own pair of these plastic 3D glasses. They are really cool.
If your idea of cool is red and blue plastic horn rimmed glasses. And I know it is.
They just arrived today. From China!
LOVE IT!! I hope after 365 years my photos will look so good!! I was considering combining the two also...but wasn't sure....but have decided...yes...I will...
That said, I can't belive I survived my first week...although I do have to admit I phoned it in on a couple :)
The self portrait? Brilliant. And RAD. Brilliant and rad.
Evie has learned the phrase "It not my fault!!" in the last few days. She says it a lot. You could blame her for the snowglobe incident.
I am sitting here nodding my head at the self-portrait shot. Yeah...staying in focus. THAT is the REALLY hard part. sigh...
It is a cool shot. Well worth all the frustration. :)
You broke the Magic Kingdom??!! Oh wow. I hope the retribution doesn't fall on the infamous leg lamp.
So the picture of Matt didn't show up on this computer for some reason. Good thing I have already seen the rad pic. The one of Emma is my fave. It's so "Emma."
I'll never look at a card trick the same way again. lol
We got the Toy Story game too. I love it! We haven't tried the 3-d yet though--too scary.
I think the Gyroscope picture's great. Thanks for the backstory. Otherwise I always assume you get what you want right away.
BTW... I have seen a few comments mentioning they wish there was a Mr Linksy for this 365 thing.... I really think you should do it! See... I'm so on top of things.
All of the pictures are great of course but the self portrait is fabulous!
I hope your holidays were great and the new year seems to be treating you great so far!
one day I'm gonna take this challenge..... maybe!
the self portrait is a great idea shot even if after 220 shots you were happy... it's cool!
I'm amazed that you stuck with the gyroscope attempt! Great outcome. =)
CHRIS! I'm with Pam on the Linky list for 365. Since I am so freaking AWESOME at the whole button making thing (not really...it took me forever to figure out but I finally did it) I'll even do that part for you if you want to do it. We can even combine it with PSF so you can STILL kill two birds with one stone if you want. :)
Yeah I want some of those 3d glasses. sorry about the snow globe. I still haven't figured out how to get myself in a shot! I'm gonna learn some things this year.
Your self portrait is awesome.
What did your wife say when you broke her snow globe?
I love to play the piano...I've been playing ever since I was little. It's hard to practice though since my piano is at my mom's and she still won't give it to me! :)
Great series of photos. That self portrait was worth the work, I think anyhow.
Your wife's snow globe? Likely story...you men. :-)
Love that you kept it real with the piano. :)
Very neat self portrait. The gyroscope looks like a fun toy.
Of course you kept it real with the piano... you washed a window last year, and that was I'm sure, more than enough, right? Why dust, too?
I need some of them 3-D glasses... not because I have the game, I just want to wear them around the house. Ya know, for fun. See if it makes any of the clean spots look more lifelike.
That is a good goal. I know there are a few photo blogs I follow that are doing this. I have thought about it, but there are some days where I don't get much taken. Great pictures, and now I am REALLY craving a nice chocolaty yummy yum thanks!
And I too am a fan of the self protrait, well worth the effort and frustration!
I loved seeing what caught your eye each day!
The gyroscope photo may be worth the 200 tries.
I am amazed at people who do the 365.
Did poor mickeys fate have anything to do with a soccor ball in the house?
I love the self portrait. I've been trying to shoot myself (yes, yes I'm suicidal) but I just can't get one to turn out. I figure I better have a picture on my blog of myself, but I just don't know how to do it by myself. Maybe I'll enlist the help of my 7 year old.
I also love the shot of the piano keys, and I'm so impressed that you taught yourself to play!
Very nice post for the day!
They are ALL wonderful shots - great job! I'm totally an amateur photog and I tried Project 365 last year and failed miserably. Maybe I'll try again?
Thanks for the inspiration.
I don't know why I am still so surprised when you make me laugh or gasp at beautiful photos because you've been doing it for over a year now.
Snow globe...oh, the horror! Fix it.
I also taught myself the piano and IF I am ever called as the Ward Pianist, Opening Song, Sacrament Hymn, Intermediate Hymn and closing will all be 116... and at my own pace.
LOVE the self portrait born from 220 tries. It shows dedication, persistence, tenacity (insanity), but my fav. is again the sundae shot :-)
I'm still trying to get over how you have the top spinning on your finger...let alone how you got yourself in the picture AND kept it in focus. Great shot!
I got one of those tops when I went to the Smithsonian Institute on a third grad field trip. I need to find it. My boys would love playing with it!
My husband wants to get me a new camera for my birthday in February. (I can't wait! My present one is giving me troubles.) Can I join the 365 party late?
YOU SHOT EMMA?????????
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