Hosted by Cecily
Day 22
January 22: We're all friends here, right? What happens at "Life...or a Reasonable Facsimile Thereof" stays at "Life...or a Reasonable Facsimile Thereof"?
I once confessed here that I sleep in socks and slippers. Well, there's more. This is Opus. Sharon gave him to me in my stocking on our first Christmas -- fifteen years ago, and sometimes I tuck him in the corner of my elbow, when I sleep.
This is just between us, right?
Day 23
The second phase of my electric guitar/decoupage project. Stay tuned for the final reveal!
Day 24
January 24: Welcome to our home! Sorry about the hair.
Day 25
January 25: Why do I take all the coolest pictures hanging the camera out the window, on the way home from work?
Day 26
January 26: This is what time it was when I stopped playing with my Raisinettes (that just sounds wrong), and decided to take a picture.
Day 27
January 27: This is not the greatest picture, but I wanted to document the event.
This is my right forearm (we come from Swedish stock, we are hairy men, I apologize). After an incident at work Wednesday afternoon -- involving a self inflating pack of exploding foam insulation -- I had to shave my right forearm, with a straight razor blade.
With my left hand.
It was more like hacking, than shaving.
It took an hour and a half.
It was the closest thing I can imagine to being tarred and feathered.
You don't realize just how hairy your arms are, until you shave one of them -- and neither does anyone else. Today (Thursday), I felt like a woman with new breast implants. Everyone talked to my arm.
HEY! My eyes are up here buddy!
Day 28
January 28: Any guesses?

Hosted by Chris

Lol!! Okay your commentary... sorry about the accident and sorry no one was talking to your face ;)
And sure I will not tell anyone that you sleep with a stuff animal..hehe
And I have no idea what that last one is, but it is a cool shot.
We have hair ALL OVER OUR HOUSE! Welcome to it anyway... :)
Don't drop your camera when you are hanging it out the window! True, great picture though!
I'm sorry about your accident, good job shaving!
I'm guessing the last one is two pipes (the underground kind) sitting next to each other. Very cool shot...
What's new?
Oh my goodness I am laughing out loud... equating the arm shaving to breast implants is priceless!
You had me laughing all the way through your post.
So now you are a slipper wearing, opus snuggling caveman.
The last picture has to be of two pipes. Very cool, it took me a few minutes to see it....if that is in fact what I am looking at.
tee hee.....always a joy to read your posts. I won't tell too many people about opus....I promise. :)
sorry about your arm. that sucks.
oh and I think those are pipes.
I love that you sleep with Opus. So sweet!
And you must explain WHY you needed to shave. Exploding huh???
I need to start playing with raisinettes. And stop working. Clearing a waste of time. ;)
I'm telling everyone about Opus. Nevermind. I won't tell a soul. Who would believe me?
I want a cool guitar like that.
Sorry about your hairy arm. And your new boobs.
I want your hanging out the window shooting skills.
Love the pictures and captions, but no guesses from here. So now you have an idea what waxing involves.
OMGOSH! Giggling at your descriptions! Your poor arm! OUCH! (too funny the way you described it through)
I thought maybe the last photo was looking through something plastic. It actually reminded me of the "loops" on a pair of boots. (I know, I'm a little loopy. It's late)
I get awesome shots hanging out the window too!
The road picture is awesome! Great job. I'm not sure it's a good thing that I'm starting to think about taking pictures while driving.
Yeah! So glad to know other people have hair issues. Our house always has tumble weeds.
Your arm? Ouch! Hope you're doing all right.
Wow. I love your week in review! Great pictures. Laughed my head off imagining the arm shaving... Oh. My!
Oh your arm is going to ITCH! I feel for you in the next few days.
Love the hanging the picture out of the window.
The guitar looks awesome. Can't wait to see the final phase.
No need to apologize for hair. There is me and 2 long-haired dogs in our house. heh. And speaking of hair, what kind of accident resulted in the hacking off of arm hair??
I have no idea what that picture is, but it is really cool looking. :)
All this time I thought that Opus belonged to Sharon. Guess I don't know all your secrets. Hmph.
That picture of the raisinettes is awesome!
Love your photos as always. I still just don't dare to hang out the window. Maybe one day I'll be as crazy as you. :o)
I am pretty sure that the last one is two pipes (maybe steel?) next to each other. They remind me of the purple secondary water pipes that plagued my neighborhood the last two years!
Sounds like it was a hairy week. Or hairless depending on which picture you're looking at.
Why did you have to shave your OWN arm?
We all have our secrets, so we'll keep yours, maybe.
When I am shooting from the car I usually pull over to the side of the road and just zoom in. But your shots turn out so great I might have to try your approach.
I think the last one is a set of pipes.
Cool shots this week, well maybe not the arm one, but we'll all get over the shock that you are hairy and felt like a woman who just had breast implants. :o
Eeew..hairy arms! (Hey, if it was bald in one spot, I'd stare too!)
The bear...*snicker* You sleep with a bear! (Me too..shhhh...)
That out-the-window photo is AWESOME!
Love that stuff...when you try so hard and it pays off...or when you don't try hard too! :-)
I wonder how many adults actually sleep with lovies and don't admit it to the general public?! I personally know of four adults who sleep with lovies (I know this girl who...). Three of the four have children. Too funny.
I think that last picture is two pipes but it took a while for my eyes to adjust and see it.
LMAO. You really had me laughing this time...
I'm jealous of Opus. My husband banned stuff animals from our bed the day we got married. :(
Can't wait to see the next guitar phase. I built a working electric bass in my HS physics class.
I once had to rip duct tape off several parts of my husband's body...it kind of looked like your arm but a lot redder.
I'm guessing binoculars?
"my face is up here..." HAHA!!! You make me laugh.
Are you driving while hanging out the window taking a picture? Cause I would crash for SURE.
Day 22, 24 & 26 - LOL. Okay, who am I kidding, I think I laughed at all of them...even the guitar because you said DECOUPAGE...and that word just makes me laugh. :-)
NO clue on that last one...except it looks like snow on the other end of "them."
Nice! Love the shave shot. My guess on the other is two drainage tubes. I love Opus!! Haven't seen hi in years.
Love love love Opus, have one of my own, in fact... but I don't sleep with him.
Your hairy arm has nothing on my brother in laws hairyness. We refer to him as Sasquatch (it helps that he's 6'5").
And those are totally some tubes of some kind. Do I win?
I'm sorry about the incident but it was awesome you did the shaving with left hand, when you are a right-hand person.
the last picture, looks like two pipes tome, am I right?
and oh, tell Opus I said hi :D
That is an awesome shot out the window!
Your hairy arm story....... you'll remember that the next time a well endowed woman is talking to you right?! :P
My guess is straws or twin slides.
and because I can't resist the word verification is: unuts!
I'm staring at your arm in my mind. I can't help myself. LOL
Opus sure is a cutie!
And, I hope your arm is okay.
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