Thursday, January 15, 2009

Photostory Friday: Rock On

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

We got Guitar Hero for Christmas. We all have a great time playing it -- except Emma. 

Emma doesn't play. She rocks. 

She dances. She bangs her head. She jumps up and down. She sticks her tongue out. 

Emma is five. 

Emma is our little free spirit. She meets life on her own terms. There is no guessing where you stand with Emma. She will tell you. She's as blunt as a sledge hammer, and as sharp as a sword.

She sings, loudly and often -- and most loudly while sitting on the toilet. There is always a soundtrack running through our home -- from "Livin' on  a Prayer" and "Eye of the Tiger," to her most current obsession -- the soundtrack to Mama Mia. There is a constant chant (from the bathroom, mostly) "Soo pah pah, Troo pah pah."

One of my greatest fears, as a parent, is that I won't be able to help Emma channel her will and personality into a rewarding and productive life. It's a never ending struggle between reeling in and letting go. 

Often I get the urge to clip her wings and try to keep her grounded. But it passes -- some spirits are uncontainable. 

Keep on rockin' my little Freebird!


Pam Emmons said...

I loved the video Sharon sent. And I LOVE Emma!

Honey Mommy said...

Those are awesome photos! Your daughter sounds like quite the character. It must be fun having her in your home!

Bren said...

I love all of those fun photos but especially the one with her foot. Great perspective!

Your so right, some spirits cannot be contained. My oldest is that way.

Wendelyn DeMoss said...

Oh yes, would never want to break that spirit...five you say...oh the years ahead...have a fun ride!

Cookie said...

My 5 and 6 year olds love Guitar Hero! They played it so much the disc cracked.
Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

Pam Emmons said...

BTW, Annie tells me everyday, "oooohhhhh, mom! You are making me so mad!"

Laura said...

That is awesome!! and GREAT pics!!

Corey~living and loving said...

again....and amazing post. that is it! you are going in my reader. I will no longer hide from the fact that I NEED to read you.

happy PSF!

CC said...

You go girl!

I just love her BIG personality.

Lucky her that you have this game to help her get it out of her system in a "safe" way. ;)

Steph said...

That's awesome! And great pics!
My 5 year old wont go near guitar 10 year old rocks it though! Way better than her dad or I can!

Anonymous said...

Awesome post. Your daughter is adorable. She and my Cade would have so much fun rockin' together.

tiarastantrums said...

oh I think Emma and my daughter are twin spirits!

Her favorite song right now is by Pin, So What . . ."I wanna start a fight . . . So what, I'm a Rock Star"
"Check My Flow"

She cracks me up!

Cecily R said...

Oh, Emma and Gracie are kindred spirits. Someday, someday, they need to get together and create. It sounds amazing and scary at the same time...

I have the same fears about how Jon and I handle Gracie and her spirit. There is such a fine line. When you figure it all out (and I am counting on you here), please, FILL ME IN.

As always Chris, amazing, fabulous and wonderful shots. Your perspective (photos and otherwise) totally ROCKS.

Cathy said...

Rock on, little sister!!!

Straight to Your Hart said...

ROCK STAR she is!! I hope she grows up to be a fearless leader...she's on the right track..beautiful sweetie she is:)

Alex @ I'm the Mom said...

Fantastic PSF Chris :D Your pictures are wonderful, as always. The guitar looks like it was made just for her :D

Robyn said...

oh yes, I worry about the channeling of the free will also. It is a struggle already.
Loved your photos. If your wife scrapbooks, I jealous of all the great shots she gets to work with.

Emily said...

Wow...fabulous pictures. And I love Emma's taste in music. =)

Susie said...

I just love the free rock and roller! Keep it up, and great job Dad! Those pictures are priceless!!!!!!

Maggie May said...

She is gorgeous and I'm sure she will make a success of her life, free spirit or not.

Anonymous said...

Rock on!

Great pictures. Fun post!

Michaelle said...

I have a five year old son like that too! Great shots!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

What a rockstar! I love all of the angles.

Now, what does she think about you writing about her sitting while in the bathroom?

Michelle said...

Love to way you shot those pictures! The foot one is my favorite.

Rock on Emma!

To answer your question from my photo blog. The artwork is sort of a framed indian quilt (if you will). It is all fabric with little indian mirrors scattered around. It is really neat and still leaning against the wall.

Laura said...


Anonymous said...

That's awesome!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

I love shot #2, that perspective is PERFECTION. I love your little freebird and her free spirit!

Susan said...

Rock on Emma!
I wonder who she picked up that creative, artsy side from. Hmmmmm.

Terri said...

Rock on, Emma! I have a feeling she'll be just fine! Lovely tribute to her - and good for you for encouraging her to explore her creativity. Great photos.

Mc Allen said...

shes a doooooooll!!! And girl, have you read my daughter posts?? I totally feel you. I wish so much sometimes that i could go back... I miss those days, now they are teens and there are days when I have no idea what I'm doing!! Your a goooood mama, and I'll be here if you need advice, I'm a lil bit further ahead thatn you are... (doesnt mean I have the answers tho, lol!!, but I'm here to listen!!) ♥ LA

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

that is awesome that she has such a personality! tell her to always keep on rockin'!


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Karin said...

Hehe, I had to laugh at Super Trouper! I think I might also have driven my parents nuts with that song... She sounds like such an awesome child - keep that great spirit alive!!

imbeingheldhostage said...

Trying to get past the whole Guitar Hero thing (how come your guitar is so flippin cool looking?! Ours is white and boring) to concentrate on the thoughtful post. That's wonderful that you're aware of her. hmmm. that sounds so retarded because what I am trying to say doesn't have words...I mean about letting her be who she is enough not to damage her spirit but trying to guide her the right direction-- I think that's very wise and in tune. (hey, an unintended funny). You rawk dad.

Valerie said...

I think I would love Emma too!! Love the pictures. We also got Guitar Hero and have a blast playing it.

tommie said...

She sounds alot like my little girl. Love the perspective of these shots.

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

She is too cute! I love the enthusiasm 5 year olds have!