Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Autumn is a time of harvest and gathering. It is a time of thanksgiving, for the bounty of the previous year. That thanksgiving was often honored with the killing of the firstlings of the flock, or offering the finest produce of the harvest. At our house, we may not always do it in the spirit of thanksgiving, but we do offer up a ritual sacrifice, right around October 29, every year.
At our house, we are vulgar and disturbing.
Here, for the first time, with unprecedented access, is the account of this bizarre and troubling rite:
To be chosen as the victim of sacrifice is a great honor.
Selection is a very long process.
Death is swift. And Brutal.
The cranium of the victim is opened and the innards are removed. The victim has no brain. This ritual must be performed with the most serious of visages.
It is vitally important that you smear said innards all over your jeans and new white shirt, that you just got for the family picture. Over and over and over again. Vitally Important!
The entrails are saved, and later, fortunes are told. I see a new white shirt in your future.
The final aspects of the sacrifice are somewhat bizarre: Hugging the corpse.
Chanting, with the scalp of the victim on your head.
The sacrifice is beautiful, in its gruesome glory. And if done right, in the end, everyone is smiling.
Even the victim.
No children were harmed in the making of this Photostory. The picture of the child with the butcher knife was staged. There were emergency personnel on hand, at all times.
What kind of a father do you think I am?
That is so awesome. You are a terrific photographer.
My younger kids say every year they want to carve their pumpkins (instead of painting them). Then, when I tell them they have to clean out the innards themselves? Not so much, they quickly change their minds. That's when I'll know they're really growing up, when they clean out their pumpkins.
I hope you roasted those seeds, yummm!
You are both a great photographer and story teller!! I looks like a fantastic day - even if the shirt was ruined!!
That was a great story and even better pictures! The one with the knife is terribly funny. Looks like a great day.
Ya, you are pretty brave to even let Emma near a knife. Who knows what kind of mood she might be in right after you give it to her!
Very funny. Nice job.
I think you are a very creative one! I was loving the imagery and your kids were having so much fun helping you tell the story!!! I won't have a PSF but do have a Friday post tomorrow.
i think this is my favourite PSF you've done. brilliant!!!
we don't even carve pumpkins here :(
we just make soup...
Chris, you rock! I think this one is my favorite one as well. That last photo fantastic!
Sorry about the white shirt. ;)
Fricken awesome! Well done!
Happy Halloween!
We just performed that ritual tonight. My son wanted nothing to do with the activity for the second year in a row. Last year we chalked it up to him being too young, but it turns out he just doesn't have a "crafty", artistic side or interest in him.
He like the jack-o-lantern though!
Great pics as usual!
Awesome! Seriously.
And I loved the pictures!
Not only an amazing photographer, an amazing story teller too. I was hooked till the last line. :)
You're so stinkin' clever. Seriously - I can't believe that your REAL job ISN'T a writer. :-) LOVE the knife pic - classic. And your daughter is adorable.
LOVE the Tiara!!
That was CLASSIC, Chris!!!
Loved every second of it.
And the pictures? PERFECTION.
One more day Chris, one more day!
Such wonderful pictures! You captured the spirit of the season in the shots alone!
Love it...That is the only kind of sacrifice that works for me...as long as I don't have to spend too much time in the room with the victim! Those pictures are jsut great.
You are so funny! This is so witty and clever! I love it! I also love to see a man in this domain... So great of you to take time out to capture everything and then post it up for the blogging world.. You are one of a kind... I say that until I see another man on here!
Thank goodness for emergency personnel!
Darn, I wish I would have thought to take a picture of the pumpkins death.
I'll have to remember that one for next year.
As always, your photo's(and story) rock!
Brilliantly written and photographed..I was completely enthralled in feeling so sad for the sacrifice!!
I am loving this post.. great pictures. Great memories made.. and your disclaimer at the end cracked me up..
llllove that murderer expression!
happy helloween, we don't do such things here :)
This is hilarious! Love all of your shots too. Happy Halloween!
Haha, awesome! Looks like the kids had a blast at the massacre!!
So creative! I don't think I have read a better account of pumpkin carving, ever.
The pumpkin turned out very nice. He's got a great smile!
Happy Halloween!!
I think you're a father with a very good sense of humour! Happy Halloween!
These are AMAZING pics. I love the various aspects of this activity you shot--the seeds even. So creative!
Happy Halloween!
HAHA gosh you had me cracking up. VERY creative (and imaginative!) PSF!! Looove it.
Gosh, the pic of your daughter stabbing the pumkin... that's worth a thousand words and laughs!!
That was awesome!
You are quite creative, I like that!
Happy Halloween!
GREAT pictures...as always!! I love the story of the victim/ritual through your awesome pictures!! Between you and Cecily I feel like a complete amateur with my pictures... plain jane!! :)
I love this! So great. Happy Halloween!
Very very nice! I loved this story and your photos throughout.
Happy Halloween!
You never disappoint, and wo that pic of your daughter and the knife, yikes!
Great PhotoStory. I wasn't sure what was coming up when I saw the title. The photos and story were both great, and the human in the photos is just darling.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Great PSF! Cute pictures... Nice pumpkin.
Love how you likened the pumpkin carving to a ritual sacrifice! You are always so creative!
I brag about you so much to my friends and hubby, that they all tease me that I have a boyfriend. Don't worry I'm not a stalker or anything....YET! LOL Great jog on the post!
What a wonderful ritual! Not scary in any way but filled with joy for all except the pumpkin!
tee hee....loved the creativity. wonderful and fun. love the shot of the innards on the grass!
Happy Halloween!
Absolutely awesome shots and the story to go along with it one of the best! Happy Halloween!
One of the best Halloween stories I've read yet. How do you do it?
The pictures are fantastic, your daughter is beautiful, and you Chris are a tremendous Dad. GREAT job!!!!
How fun! We did a few gruesome sacrifices ourselves, but dang! We completely forgot the white top and jeans part. Maybe next year... brilliant psf.
I'll be doing a deal of Mr Fawkes in a few days, funny you mentioned him.
That was a great story and ritual - HA! Great photos too!
Have a good weekend - Kellan
Those pictures are spectacular! I think you should change your personal description from aspiring photographer to photographer. I loved the story of your annual massacre. Very creative.
Chris, you really are a star. Your posts are fabulous. You have inspired me to carve pumpkin next year, even though we don't celebrate Halloween! Hope you had an awesome one!
Love this post so much!!! The essence of pumpkin carving captured!!
That is one of the best Halloween stories I've heard in a long time, with great illustrations.
Chris, that is a great photo story! Made me laugh - almost as much as your comment on my blog that is familiar to comments from you I sometimes see on other blogs before this week. "That previous comment was actually me -- I keep commenting under my wife's account!" It keeps me smiling.
Give your Pearl a hug this week!
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