Thursday, January 1, 2009

Photostory Friday: Sharing

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

My resolution for this year is to share more, and in that spirit, I'm about to share with you my fantastic recipe for homemade pancakes -- from scratch!

At our house, I am the breakfast guy, and I make three things -- Pancakes, Waffles and French Toast. 

And bacon. 

I've been working out this pancake recipe for years. You see, the most important thing about pancakes, the thing you must never forget, the thing that will make your pancake cooking a success is consistency -- by which I mean, the consistency of the batter. It makes all the difference -- therefore you must be precise in your preparations. 

This is a basic recipe, to which you can add anything you want (blueberries, raspberries, bacon,  --  dirt from the floor if you want to), but you must follow these directions first. 

Get your mixing bowl -- one with a pouring spout, preferably. 
Get your electric griddle (this is not absolutely essential, but it is your best bet for even cooking) -- turn it to at least 400 degrees. 

Crack two large eggs into the bowl. 
Add exactly 1 3/4 cups of 2% milk. 
Add exactly 1/4 cup of vegetable oil. 
Using a good metal whisk, stir until it becomes nice and frothy.

Here is the MOST important part:
Add 1 3/4 cups of flour 


You have to do it my way, which is: Take a 1/4 cup measuring cup, and pack it full of flour -- seven times. 

I KNOW, you're not supposed to pack flour -- we're living on the edge people!

Add 4 teaspoons of baking powder.


Once again -- my way: (one tablespoon equals three teaspoons -- roughly). Put in a tablespoon of baking powder, followed by a teaspoon of baking powder. Trust me. 

Add two tablespoons of sugar -- but it HAS to be sugar grown on the south side of the farthest Hawaiian island to the west, and harvested in the month of September. On an even numbered day. 

Just kidding -- any sugar will do. 

Add one half teaspoon of salt. But it has to be...that's only funny once. 

Now Mix like the wind!

Mix (with your good metal whisk) until all of the BIG lumps are gone. The little lumps will cook out. 

You batter is now perfect. Take a picture of it.

Then let the pouring begin. Pour carefully, using a rubber scraper to help guide the batter into perfect round pancakes -- about 3.5 inches in diameter (any bigger and you risk spraining your wrist).

Let the pancakes cook until edges are beginning to dry and the bubbles on top begin to pop. Turn them over -- crust should be golden brown. Cook for about another minute.

Remove from griddle. 



Makes about 15 pancakes. 

Happy New Year!! 

And don't say I never gave you anything.


Kacey said...

Again, you have me rolling. I even made Brian pause from watching the Office so I could read your post to him. LOL Look out! I'm REALLY living on the edge...

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm they look delicious!! I will be trying them this week. :)

And what is it about men and breakfast? My husband (although he's a pretty good cook anytime) loves breakfast. This morning he made chocolate chip pancakes (because chocolate chips are a requirement around here), bacon, sausage patties, home fries, and scrambled eggs. *YUM!*

Pam Emmons said...

Pete is SOOOO making these for me in the morning! I love pancakes and I screw them up every time I make them. In fact, ask Pete what question I ask him every single time I make pancakes...

Michelle said...

Packing are a total rebel, or just a guy who didn't know that he wasn't supposed to pack flour but did it and it worked for him!

I'm not sure I could pack flour, but they look delish!

By the way, I have always wanted to by a griddle but didn't want another appliance to need to store. Looking at those cakes makes me think I might need one and just find a place for it!

Robyn said...

My mouth is watering. I LOVE pancakes.

Alex @ I'm the Mom said...

lol Chris that was AWESOME!! I so want to try those out *drools*

Bren said...

I'm not only laughing out loud at you but also drooling. I wish my husband was a breakfast man!

Great photos!

scrappysue said...

i'm drooling!!! i'm married to the breakfast guy to - they look AMAZING chris!!! moocho aweunmess as one of my kids might say randomly some time. 15 would SO not be enough for my gannets tho hehe

Casey's trio said...

YUMMY! Saturday and Sunday mornings must be heavenly in your house:)

Straight to Your Hart said...

I Love it when my hubby makes breakfast in the morning! Now I have a wonderful recipe for him to try.

It's almost midnight and this post has my tummy growling...Mmmm I can taste them now..

Happy New Year!!

Gina said...

Oh my goodness those look delicious. Thank you for the photo commentary. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Have just written out the recipe and will be having them this weekend when Number one and only son and wife come over for cards.Had me drooling. Keep giving, please!

Jenners said...

Oh...I am so hungry right now! They look really really good. I'm going to try it. Great job making a recipe post totally fun and delicious!!!!!

Indrani said...

The shots are hunger triggering shots!
Happy New Year to you!

Cajoh said...

I'm sure if there are purists out there, you can always sift the flower after you pack it. My guess is that some people don't like the lumps— I think it adds charm.

MomOf4 said...

These look delicious! I will have to try them when I get home! :)

Melissa said... sound just like my dad-- he is the pancake king; and my kids love it because he will make pancakes into their initials!!
Who knew that pancakes could look so good in pictures---oh, of course it's when Chris is taking the pictures!!

Lorina said...

Haha.. thanks! I love pancakes.. now I am hungry!

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

pancake perfection never looked so good. I have some kids who can pack flour.... maybe they will have to make them.

Anonymous said...

Looks super yummy. My Cade loves pancakes so I'm always trying out new and different recipes. I'll have to give that one a try.

stefanie said...

Umm, yum. Hope your pancakes are as scrumptious as the pancake photos are.

Love your banner photo, too. I've been reading on Reader, so I haven't clicked over here for a while I guess.

Nana said...

The pancakes look great. I'll have to get the hang of mixing like the wind. Do you mean like a little breeze or Gusts that would blow the house down?

Angela said...

Oh my, sounds delicious! And makes me feel guilty for whipping out the box for my kids. Thanks for the awesome recipe!

Alicia said...

I'm so glad you found my blog -because then I found this post.

Amazing post for 2 reasons.

#1) I love pancakes. No, really. I LOVE them. I fantasize that my husband will take me to IHOP for my birthday. Or Tuesday. So nice to know that I'm alone on this.

#2) You're hilarious.

Anonymous said...

They look great!

Happy New Year!

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

oh yum! now i want pancakes for dinner :)

Maude Lynn said...


Unknown said...

Yummy! Those look great! Maybe I can get my hubs to make them - I'll tell him it was part of your recipe that a man is required to do the cooking. :)

Susan said... mouth is literally watering! Thanks for your recipe. I will be trying it soon.

tommie said...

We are a weekend pancake family as well!

It is nice to see your recipe. I use one my mom gave me....or Bisquick! LOL

We are changing things up a bit this weekend and making waffles.

PS are y'all a regular syrup family or maple? We are straight up maple...comes with having a Yankee for a husband!

Val said...

You forgot the food coloring. Now which color is the favorite was it purple or green or blue....

Unknown said...

Oh man those look good! My hus always says that his grandmother used to say the baking powder is the key.

Happy New Year!

Laura said...

AWESOME!!! We will have to try that! THANKS!

Steph said...

I will be trying that...soon! I was going to say tomorrow morning, but then I realized that church changed to 9 AM for us, and well....No hot breakfast for us on days like that! Too much hair doing to do!
But I WILL be trying it! Sounds so yummy!
Now to find out where to get sugar from the south side of the furthest west island of Hawaii.....

Mom24 said...

Thank you! I love pancakes. Why is it that kids always think their Dad's food tastes best?

My hubby only makes one thing--scrambled eggs. My kids act like they're the greatest things in the world. My cooking? Good, but definitely taken for granted. :-)

Cupcake Dessert said...

wow.. that almost inspires me to try that instead of "shake and pour".. almost lol... im lazy in the mornings...

imbeingheldhostage said...

only you could make a pancake demonstration hilarious. Did I miss photo story friday??? Where the heck was I? oh yeah, movinghouse like a crazy person.

Kristin said...


Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Okay, I'm starving now...and that is hilarious. You really have perfected that recipe, haven't you?

Next up, french toast, please!!!

Honey Mommy said...

Those pancakes look delicious... and I don't even care for pancakes!